You subscribe to any and all LSU magazines as well as the Advocate (by mail 300 miles away) and get depressed when they aren't in your mailbox on the day you expect them. When they do arrive, you read them cover to cover as soon as you get them in your hands - and that's just the FIRST time you read them. Of course, this all went away when the internet came along. :geaux:
Japan then China In Japan till Nov 1st, but then to China for another 3yrs or so. Thank God for forums like this,, live broadcasts, etc. Since I'm 14 hrs ahead in time, a Saturday nite broadcast is about 9am Sunday morning. So you have a choice, Sunday morning mass or Tailgating in my apartment listening to the Tiger broadcast?? I'm sure the Man is watching the game from above and doesn't mind me listening too. Go Tigers.........Beat State Chris
-you have a post-graduate career-oriented job interview at 3pm and an MBA marketing test at 6pm, yet you still manage some time to visit the LSU websites
Listening to WWL 870 at 10:30 at night in your truck in Ft. Lauderdale, FL to any LSU football game (not televised)
Just to clarify my position on planning Bathroom visits around timeouts: I am a professional when it comes to control. Amatuers should not try this. LSU games require my complete concentration. One unplanned visit could have irreperable damage to my stature as a professional.
When you find a purple highlighter in the office supply room and start thinking of ways you can use it with the yellow (gold) highlighter. I'm a freakin accountant, gotta have fun somehow during the day. This 5-0 start sure is helping.
LOL. That was funny, having been in the pro ranks for years myself I understand the value of control and proper clock usage.