Y'all are all wrong. :grin: Bush will win 278 for sure with every state he won 4 years ago. Add on Iowa - 7, New Mexico - 5, PA - 21, and 1 of Maine's votes giving him 312. Plus either or both MN and WI 10 each, so that's 322 or 332. Don't count out MI, NJ, HI, and he will win Oregon but I won't count it yet. Now that I've made that prediction he will lose.
I love Bush, but damn are you hopped up on sumpin? If enough 18-29 year olds turn out tomorrow, Bush is in big trouble, I am afraid to say. Hopefully they stay home and watch MTV, BET, or some of the network's reality TV shows.....wouldn't that be ironic?
I turned it on BET earlier, and they were showing a movie, and the entire time they went from showing the BET logo in the lower right hand corner of the screen to showing a Vote logo with a big red checkmark. I found that amusing. What the hell is John Kerry gonna do for African Americans? Not a damn thang.
27,000 double registrants in both Ohio and Florida. Not good. But the judge in Ohio ruled against allowing both parties to have people checking for validity of registered voters at the polling places. Let them vote twice!
here are some random election notes: i will be doing my best to swing NJ to bush. a buddy of mine bought a lifesize cardboard cutout of bush and left it in my room. it has scared the crap out of me too many times, so i put it facing out in my window, to amuse passersby. this morning the doorman in my building knocked on my door and made me take george down. turnout prediction: 61% winner prediction: bush, electoral and popular. i do not like when people say: "just get and out and vote, no matter who you support". that makes no sense. i do not want people to vote if they are gonna vote kerry. people who say everyone should vote are idiots. i would prefer it if i was the only person in the country who voted.
nah, i think they have rules against putting any kind of crap like posters or signs in the windows because it makes the building look trashy. i was sad because bush has such a friendly face, he was cheering up people as they walked to work. now he is back smiling and hangin out with me.
I'm 20 and I've already voted for Bush. Kerry will not beat Bush by much in the youth category. That's just a myth. It's what the Dems are banking on tomorrow, and why they will be very sad. On my prediction. That's been my prediction since mid-summer. I refuse to change it.
I hope to hell you are much more right than me tomorrow night. This country cannot afford another closely contested/litigated presidential election again.