what that article doesn't show is the timing of the penalty... just because the amount of penalties are the same, when it's called is very different... calling a holding call is a loss of 10 yds and replay the down, but if the play only goes for 15 yds or 87 yds and a TD is a big difference... ole bug eye seems to find an infraction on our big plays mostly...
Well, its been a long month of a season for my flag football Giants. We ended up 3-5 for the regular season and started our end of season tournament Thursday evening. We won game 1 then dispatched the #1 seed and made it look easy and we will play for all the marbles on Sunday afternoon at 3. Wish us well.
Yeah I'm gonna go with no. You think Ritters crew is bad, they were arguing with themselves last game. Screwed up a call that almost cost us the game.
Kind of like my fantasy team last year. Started off slow, then were up and down and rallied to 8-8 at the end of the year and squeaked into the playoffs. Low and behold, we ended up winning the whole damn thing and I was $450 richer.
Not only that, but if the data in the link is correct, then the this year, LSU is being called for approx. 10x more penalties per game than their opponents. To me, that's a little more than bias.
Parents don't care about Championships as much as they do about THEIR kid playing AND being "great." How the rest of the team fares doesn't mean shit. They only use losing as a channel to bitch if their kid is on the bench, etc.