Ya'll Will Love This

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Proud Tiger, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The problem is that, unlike if it were Vandy, LSU will also be talked about, probably in terms of being losers. Sure we understand the reasons for Bama doing this. But you understand quite well that it's also rubbing our noses in it . . . and we damn sure don't have to like it.

    So you are going to hear some grumbling, Terry. Better get used to it, relations between Bama and LSU will be chilly for a while. Don't take it personally. Much of the animosity about Auburn from LSU fans is actually about Tuberville, not the school. So it is with Bama and Nick.
  2. smttiger

    smttiger Freshman

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Bama can have $aban, they actually deserve one another......they both are in poor taste all around.:helmet:
  3. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Except some of you (gumps) keep coming on this board trying to justify the situation, and telling us how we should feel about it. You only make matters worse when you do that, so don't. Red's right that it isn't really between us and Bama fans. Just quit trying to justify something that you know nothing about. You're looking at it from the complete and total opposite side of the fence. When you cross that fence and tell us how to act on our side of the fence, that's how it get's to be personal, and it doesn't have to be. I know the situation was quite different, but I bet you didn't like aTm fans coming on your forum when Fran bolted. You, like us, were better off. But you still didn't like it.
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Oh, I expected it. Sadly enough, it's already started with attacks against his daughter on her facebook site. That's just sad, IMO.

    Who would want to rub your noses in it? The guy coached at LSU, ok. But, it wasn't like he left LSU to go to Bama. Coach Moore is the one that made the decision of the announcement date, and he's a man who would do something like what's being suggested.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I knew how some would react to it. I saw that first hand when I said many weeks ago that Saban had indeed expressed interest.

    Yes, because of the sitaution with fRan I can understand the fan base of a school being upset. Two different scenarios, mind you.

    There was no intent to tell you "how you should feel," just explaining, like others have suggested, that no matter who the coach was, if hired last week would have been introduced at that next home basketball game. Hell, I've seen enough coaching hires :) to understand that's how it's done.
  6. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Jan 21, 2004
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    Maybe a stupid question but I just don't know the protocol....

    Is it normal to drag the new football coach into a basketball game to be introduced days after the official press conference? Did we do this with Miles? Will ESPN actually cover this introduction live?
  7. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    But I thought bama fans wanted things to change from the old ways.

    And just in case you don't know, Mal Moore isn't in charge in T-town anymore. There is a new gun in town:eek:
  8. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    He's still the Ath. Dir.
    The Associate Ath. Director - Marketing, makes these types of schedules/announcements himself.

    BUT, in a manner of speaking you are correct. He's been given total control over the football program.
  9. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Sure, Bama always gives Total Control to their head coach .... at least until the first couple of unexpected losses come rolling in. Then we'll see if your "gang of '61" and the other meddlesome boosters can be appropriately "managed"

    Don't worry terry, I'm not singling bama out .... we all share that problem :lol:
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We do it with every coach, too. I'd like to think Skip would be a little more sensitive about doing it at a game versus an oponent where the coach coached only two years ago. Bound to be uncomfortable for the opponent team and the coach.

    In this case, I'm not sure why Bama wants more national publicity right now, especially since most of it has been negative. But they certainly don't care if LSU feels dissed . . . but LSU does.

    Not always, but this is high-profile and they probably will and they will certainly comment on it. It will be interesting how they spin it since doing it versus LSU will be tempting for the talking heads to comment on. It may not be an entirely positive experience for Bama.

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