Still counting those championships from 80 years ago when you tied Dartmoith and Stanford? You should be especially proud of those wins in 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934. I guess we'll have to start counting our titles in 1908, 1935, and 1936 as well...NOT! Who gives a rat's ass what you did a century ago? I'm really hoping your basketball team "puts it in our face" like they did against Arkansas. :hihi: you go gump! :lsup: 2006 Final Four (Men) LSU! 2006 Final Four (Women) LSU! 2005 Final Four (Women) LSU! 2004 Final Four (Women) :lsup: 2007 Sugar Bowl Champions :lsup: 2004 Sugar Bowl Champions (National Champions) :lsup: 2002 Sugar Bowl Champions :lsup: 2000 College World Series Champions (National Champions) The century has been ours so far in the SEC with Florida right behind us. If you continue past Auburn, Georgia, and Tennessee you may see Alabama as a little speck in the rear-view mirror. Not dead but definitely a very small speck. I have a lot of friends who support the University of Alabama (you're not one of them) but fortunately they realize they have to take it one step at a time to build a program like we have at LSU. You should take a similar approach. First start with spelling...then move to grammar...then to punctuation...etc...etc...etc.
The Arky game was on the road. This will be the first home game since $atan announced his decision. But nonetheless, it just adds fuel to the fire. Can't wait for Nov 3rd.
One thing in all this Saban, or $aban stuff that continues to bother me -- When Saban left LSU, he recommended we hire Houston Nutt as our new coach. Sexton is Nutt's agent and Nutt can't recruit very well. That tells me that Saban has not had LSU in his heart since before he left. Also, the last two years he was here his recruiting seemed to fall off --- short on OL, and RP wanted nothing to do with him and was going to Texas. Now, I am glad Saban came to LSU and I am thankful for all he did for us. But you know, some CEO's are great at rebuilding but not maintaining, and I frankly think that may be the case with Saban. The bottom line with most of them is that life is all about them, and nothing else. That is the nature of those types of folks. So, unless a program is in trouble, I am not sure Saban is a good fit. Hence, at this time, he is probably a good fit for Alabama, but would not be a good fit LSU or any other currently successful program.
Great post BTW, Jeff0071 see another great post one by Purple Tiger. Now go roll on out of here and root for Baylor and Bama. Some of these Alabama fans sure are cocky considering they haven't done much in any sport lately. Oh BTW, when was the last time you guys were in the CWS Championship game and who did you lose too? A bunch of Wannabees I tell U!:lol:
Introducing him at the LSU v Alabama game is as classless a move I have ever seen by both Nick Saban and the University of Alabama. At his press conference he talked about keeping a special relationship with LSU and its fans, being introduced at halftime of a game against LSU will not foster any good will toward little Nicky and the UofA. The classy move by Saban would have been to say I am busy recruiting and then appear at the next game. Saban tries at every attempt to keep the spotlight off of LSU, with taking the Bama job the day of the Sugar Bowl and now this. I think Saban should be counting his lucky stars that Bama does not play at Tiger Stadium next year. By year two, possibly the Tiger Nation will have calmed down.
I agree with all of your post but let me say about this part. Don't bet on it! If Bama does find a way to beat us next year it will also have an impact but even if they don't there will be so much press coverage and speculation built up about LSU vs Alabama games that no one will know USC or ND exists this week. You will have people that don't watch SEC football or sports in general keeping up with this story if not watching the game. The story will grow each day the game gets closer. South Florida will be watching with many adopting anyone that plays Alabama that week.
I haven't expect LSU fans to like the hire...but I also suspected some of them would look at this announcment rationally. Especially considering, 1st home game, Nationally televised, etc. Just like Thorny posted in this thread, it's just a situation where the game happened to be LSU. Any other coach hired last week would have been announced during the same game. Again, national television audience for LSU, not so for Vandy. Announcments are always done this way...and you can bet that people all over the nation will watch, see the reception he receives, and once again we'll have Alabama talked about all over the nation.
Sure it is ....... and I'm sure that it's just "irony" that Petrino was announced as the new Falcon's coach on the eve of the BCSC game ..... just "accidental" timing..... purely a coincidence, eh? :lol:
Not in a positive way! Of course, after visiting the Tidefans froum, ya'll seem to be reveling in being "hated again". And it's funny how you gumps consider this newfound hatred, which really never went away in the first place, to be FEAR?! LSU fears nobody. We're an elite program, and it is for this reason that you guys will be very disappointed in a couple of years. There are established, elite programs in place now in the SEC that will not allow a Saban coached Bama to return to the glory of 20-30 yrs ago, which you guys can't seem to get over.:dis: