Dont get your feelings hurt Bayareatiger, I dont think she meant every last person on the West Coast. She is right, most of them are freaks out there. Lets say(per capita).
all im saying is that every single person i have ever met that lives in california is just a little off. i don't know you but you might me a wacko too, but i hope not. I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings. Don't kill me!
mOsT oF tHe pEoPlE i'Ve mEt fRoM cAli aReN't aS nEaRlY aS fUn aS pEoPlE fRoM tH' sOuTh iN gEnErAl, lOOzIaNa sPeCiFiCaLly...
bayareatiger, you sure you ain't livin' in Okiehomer? Sounds like it. Maybe I'm livin' in Kaliforney and don't know it! No, I can't look out my left window and see no sea so I must be livin' in Okieville as there are cows and buffaloes and Injuns out there. GEAUX TIGERS!!! LSU, 2003, BEST IN THE NATION AND THE SEC!!!! :geaux: :helmet: :lsug: :helmet: :geaux: