I think Brady's downfall is that he can't recruit guards. There once was a point guard named Torrance Bright, Lamont Roland seemed not to bad and then there was Darrell Mitchell. That is three good guards in ten years of his tenure at LSU. I don't buy bad luck, sorry! You make your own luck by gambling by recruiting questionable players like Lloreda and Minor, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. You have to recruit guards and not just one or two a year. You should have a backup plan in case Katrina does hit and Augustine goes to Texas. Sorry I am not trying to bash nor offend anyone that has played in the past or up until now but we don't seem to have enough good guards or guards the last 3 years or so. I find it hard to believe it is all because of our practice facility or because we won't commit more $$$$ to the basketball program.
Minor questionable? He was one of the top 3 point guards in the country at his position. He made errors in judgement in the classroom as well not understanding his role. Most great point guards come out of high school being scoring machines. He was just that. It is a difficult transition for a great point guard to understand what his role is and the separates the good ones from the bad ones. He chose not to adjust like many before him and that is not just at LSU. I about fell out of my chair on your statement on the backup plan... Ok I can hear it now... "Butch" yells Coach Brady from his office... "We need to make sure that the guys that we are recruiting for point guard know that if we don't sign Augustine, that they are da man" says Brady... "Oh and by the way Butch, make sure we have a backup plan on Augustine because you never know when a catastrophic hurricane that will devastate New Orleans will hit and make Augustine move to Houston." Brady adds.. " You know you have to prepare for these things because we have fans that think we should know all."
Very good points overall. I guess I am confused on how people say CJB is an average recruiter. In ten years he has had 3 SEC players of the years in the strongest conference in the nation along with the last. He has also had on my count 3 SEC Freshman of the year. I totally agree with you on the youth movement. If you look around the league, teams are either junior or senior laden or very young. One thing you don't see, except at FLA, is a team that has a strong bench. Again, no good player wants to play for a team if he thinks for a second that he will not start day one he walks on campus!!!! The number 2 player in the NBA draft last year was a skinny kid no one wanted from Mckinnley High School in Baton Rouge. Brady gambled on him and also had the mastermind to redshirt he and garrett a year which made TT a millionaire. He would have probably won LSU a few more games the previous year had TT played. But because he redshirted him.. the rest is history. It is out now, but GT and TT would go with the team on road trips and Treloar would work them out on game day before the games to get them adjusted to being on the road as well as getting a feel of the environment. Back to Sourdoughs comments on facilities... Do you think for one minute that the FACILITIES that we have built for football that are the elite in the country has not put us in position to be a national program year in and year out? Think again... and we better be thinking of ways we can improve them because our counterparts in the SEC are already doing this.
Certainly Duke would make it over other 7-9 teams, because they are Duke. I didn't say they had no talent. I said they were average in terms of athleticism. Besides, the McD's all-american game is not the ACC. If you have watched Duke at all this year, you have seen that Paulus does not have the athleticism or the shooting ability to compete with ACC point guards and McBobs is simply another big body in the paint who gets frustrated by the real forwards in the league. I think some around here are dazzled by recruiting rankings rather than on-court performances. Duke had success last year because they had a salty senior forward and a sharpshooter who averaged 30 a game. Inexplicably, there was only one coach that figured out how to stop it. I think it's a leadership, talent, and recruiting issue. We were all sold by the coaching staff that we would be fine at the point because of Garrett, Tack, and Terry. What have we seen so far? Exactly what we expected. Zero athleticism and press breaking abillity from Garrett, Tack's off the team, and Terry doesn't have any ball skills to speak of. Despite all of that, we still would have been in a position to win many games this year, except we looked like a bunch of softies out on the court at the end of games. What do we have to show for it now? Ben Voogd is now playing 20 minutes a game. His only other offer was from Hawaii. Big Baby has to nut up and throw the team on his back. Arkansas was a good start.. I don't want to hear that crap out of Brady, "A criticism of me that I'll accept is that I haven't recruited a true PG since I was here". Do something about it! And, what do we hear he's going after? A bunch of shooting guards! Shipman, Warren, Thornton! WTF! Good recruiters don't necessarily always get the best talent. What they do is fill the needs that the team has, which this staff simply hasn't done. We lucked out into finding that Darrel was an excellent college PG (terrible coaching and talent evaluation) so, with him and the combination of Davis and Thomas down low, we were able to go far. It's arguable, to say the least, but Augustin was never that high on LSU and other schools were always higher on his list. The staff has to get a feel on that and go after kids like Josh White, who's competed quite well on the AAU circuit despite playing at a small school. I truly think and have argued that this staff has lost the BR fanbase. This is why a change needs to be made IMO, outside of actual results on the court. How else can you explain things like only 1000 fans showing up to greet the team after making the Final Four? GMU filled an arena. Without fan support, nothing else can happen.
So, basically, youre saying cjb & co. are great/exceptional coaches that have a flawed recruiting philosophy, oh, and he's mean so people wont come to the games? almost seems like a complement
I'm not qualified to judge whether a throw-it-in-the post, defense and rebounding strategy is sound. I would question whether recruits want to play in it or fans want to watch it...