What was actually said Lee actualy said that many who follow LSU football closely believe JaMarcus will start and Marcus will see some time.
marcus will start. Sorry. I talked to my friend who is a manager and he said Marcus will start. If i'm wrong i will issue an apology but i'm 99% sure Randall will start. I like JR as much as everbody else, but untill he learns more than just 25% of the playbook he can't lead this team. And saban could care less what a few STUPID IMMATURE fans think.
I don't know, no inside information, nada. My hunch is Randall will start & continue to start. Russell will play a lot this year, though. I don't believe Randall will develop as Mauck did, so he will continue to make some mistakes. Hopefully, he will play in games like I hear he does in practice. Next year Randall won't start. :grin:
if randall starts all year we will lose 4 games, I am not saying it couldnt happen with jamarcus as well but randall, as much as I'd like him to succeed, just doesnt have it.
Does that include the ones that call up on his weekly talk show Wednesday nights and make complete azzes out of themselves :hihi:
Muahahhahahahahahhaha :rofl: We're off to see the wizard ... the wonderful wizard of Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzz Becuzzz Becuzzzzzz Becuzzzzz Becuzzzzzzzz beeeecuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzz Becuzzz of the wonderful things he duz ... Hey scarecrow ... while you're talking to the wizard ... asking for a brain ... see if you can get him a prototype NFL QB that knows the playbook :hihi:
and you believe in Randall......well when you go to Oz, ask for some courage....courage enough to admit when the bonehead crap you spew on here is all wrong