I got a flood warning on my phone but there's no rain forecast. Are Lesbians Against Trump planning to blow up the levee? Somebody stick a dyke in it.
Back in 2008, a weak tornado hit my neighborhood in the middle of the night. Our power had gone out, and we never knew we were under a tornado warning. It freaked me out, so I made the mistake of buying a NOAA weather radio. In May of '09, a series of severe storms hit North and Central Texas. That was the day that the Cowboys indoor training facility at Valley Ranch collapsed during a storm. I kept getting warnings from about a 200-mile radius all night long. I took the batteries out of the freakin' thing, and it still kept going (I guess it had a charge.). I ended up taking a hammer to it that night, so that I could sleep. Haven't owned one since--but sometimes, during severe weather season, I have a sleepless night here and there, not wanting to get caught sleeping through a tornado again.