it disgusts me that every week people get on here and bash flynn, lets forget about all the big games he has won for us. You cant even blame him for one of the interceptions, the receiver was supposed to cut in and he went out, after flynn had thrown the ball, yeah i guess flynn can change the angle of the ball once it is in the air.... yall need to just lay off matt flynn, he is a good quarterback, matt mauck wasnt perfect, nor was russell, and i just dont see how putting ryan in, is going to make it any better. id rather flynn in a game with his experience than renegade ryan... besides..lsu plays like crap..and they are up 27-7.... saving that perfect game for BCSCG i guess
miami peach bowl auburn game bama game now the bama game he messed up alot and put us in a hole, but he also played well to lead us to a victory bah, im not arguing about this though. Geaux Tigers.
Les would have liked to play Ryan P. in the first half, but he didn't want to make him miss playing in the Angola Bowl which was also taking place tonight. Maybe next game.