Some of the worst right off the top of my head would be 1) Kentucky comeback in hoops 2) Loss to Arkansas on the last play keeping the Tigers from Atlanta 3) Ben McDonald giving up a grand slam in the CWS to lose to Stanford
The Jamie Howard game has to rank up there. I was at the UAB game where Booty was a booty. And when we got killed last year when we played Georgia.
I was there too...Southeast corner with a bunch of Toolame fans. It was a pretty misrable game with the rain. It was running like a river down the steps. LSU just gave that game away from what I remember but I don't recall the details. I guess I was about 16 or 17 so that was about 23/4 years ago. I do remeber sitting there in disbelief and then the brawls began. They were all over the field.
For football, pretty much any game we lose hurts. Having the refs give Auburn the game in 04 hurt a lot - not just because of the game, but because when it happened a pocket knife close down on my finger as well. So that game double sucked for me. I think the biggest heart breaker from the past few seasons was the Capital One Bowl in 04. It wasn't just that we lost on that last play hail mary, but it was Nick's last game & it was really dissapointing for him to go out like that.
That really was a bad loss. LSU was poised for a great season, with only one prior loss, after knocking off Florida State the week before (The game with all the oranges). What happens next? LSU blows it against Tulane. Of all the tough losses, though, Tennessee was pretty bad. Sure it wasn't a straight blowout, but it was much more difficult emotionally. That took almost a week to get over.
After plunking Sprague to load the bases, McDonald faced Carey, the Cardinal's lefthanded cleanup hitter. McDonald put his 1-1 pitch right where he wanted it, but Carey drove it the opposite way, 370 feet into the night. "Now Ben appears more on television around here than the damn skier who falls going down the ski jump -- you know, 'the agony of defeat,'" says Bertman, referring to the famous clip of ski jumper Vinko Bogataj's crash in 1970 that appears in the intro to ABC's Wide World of Sports. "But the kid turned that fertilizer into some fruit." I can't explain how I felt. Dead, I guess. -- Ben McDonald, June 5, 1987
2002 LSU @ Auburn Marcus Randall's first road start I think DD fumbled on the first play of the game and then it was downhill after that. It was an early morning jp game and had light rain all game. I got lost leaving the stadium trying to find where we tailgated before the game and of course will lost I was taunted by Auburn folks.
1963 - Ole Miss 37, LSU 3. OLE MISS. I watched it on TV, was 11 years old, and I thougth the entire course of the worlds future had surely changed. It rocked my fundamental belief system, and I remember it to this day. And, early 70's when Vince Gibson lead Tulane to a victory over LSU, first time in like 30 years! Same feelings as above. There was a movement in the force, and things would not be the same ever again. My core belief, LSU would always beat Tulane, cause they always had in my life. A real downer.