You almost got it, Bengal B. It was Pat McInally. I seem to recall he was as big a flake as he was smart.
Good Lord no. Brooks scored 17. Not even close to the lowest which I'm sure must be in the lower single digits.
that test is a lot harder than you think...the questions on ESPN are easy question 1 is the easiest and question 50 is the hardest and u only get 12 minutes to answer all 50 i've taken the wonderlic twice for interviews (i took one at my current company, cintas), and i only answered 33 the first time, but i answered 47 the 2nd time no doubt i missed some but if you make a 25 on the test then that is equivalent to about 100 to 110 IQ if you make a 39 like Eli Manning, then you are very intelligent if you make a 10 like Chad Lavalais...well, i just won't go there
I don't know if they still have the same questions or not but I took the Wonderlic about 25 or so years ago for part of a job application. It was rediculously easy and I finished in under 5 minutes and scored a perfect 50 on it. The lady giving the test couldn't believe it and made me take it again. Having just seen all the questions and knowing that I had gotten them all right it only took me 3 minutes to take it again, again with a perfect 50. I still didn't get that job. If the test is the same as the one I took it is inconceivable that anyone who had graduated from high school and spent at least some time in college couldn't score at least 30 or 35. I would think a chimpanzee could make at least 20 on it.
The Wonderlic is a large company and the NFL is just one place where it's tests are used. Here's an article about the NFL's version: Taking your Wonderlics By Jeff Merron Special to Page 2 If the NFL draft is a meat market, the NFL draft combine is where the beef is weighed and measured. Beginning today in Indianapolis, and for several days, our future Sunday heroes will take a full physical, sit for X-rays, face an interview, bench press 225 pounds for show and dough, jump broadly and vertically, and run the 40. David Carr survived the test to become the No. 1 pick last year. And, of course, they'll take the Wonderlic. (Click here, and you can take it, too.) The Wonderlic is an IQ test with only 50 questions -- it's a short version of the longer test routinely given to kids. Players have just 12 minutes to take it, and most don't finish. But, in fact, the average NFL test-taker scores a little above average. The first questions on the test are easy, but they get harder and harder. An easy question: In the following set of words, which word is different from the others? 1) copper, 2) nickel, 3) aluminum, 4) wood, 5) bronze. A tougher one: A rectangular bin, completely filled, holds 640 cubic feet of grain. If the bin is 8 feet wide and 10 feet long, how deep is it? To read the rest go here:
Aaron Brooks scored a 17 which is in the average range for a NFL player but slightly below average for a QB. Whoever told you he got the lowest ever is an idiot that just wants him to look bad.
jermaine brooks... DT out of Arkansas and played with the cowboys last year, scored a 2 on the wonderlic. a freaking 2. also, remember the MVP of the NFL scored one of the lowest ever for a QB...steve mcnair..not sure what it was. tee martin scored an 11.