Ever wonder who funds this and please don't say it's a grass roots thing. So what if 100 thousand or even 200 hundred thousand marched we have half that many easy for a LSU game. just like Hillary winning the popular vote by 2 to 3 million sounds like a huge amount till you realize that is not even 1% nationally. lots of planning and logistics went into this and it was advertised with stars going to be there etc. I will reserve judgement on trump for after he has been in office for awhile.
I don't know what kind of President he will be. I never liked him before he ran for President. I can tell you that other than Mattis I think his appointments suck. Rick Perry is in charge of the nukes for god's sake. If that's not scary as fuck I don't know what is. I don't even think Rick Perry knows what a centrifuge is.
Just what the hell is this? What positive change or impact is this creating? I guarantee this loser isn't paying shit in taxes, isn't contributing anything useful to society, and hasn't had a positive thought about a man since, well.....birth. But women like HER think they get to define feminism? Women like HER think they can demand what other women can participate based on select opinions? THIS is what will tear the lib party to pieces.
I just wonder how many of those that protested against Trump today have either a COEXIST or TOLERANCE bumper sticker on their cars?