Women's March

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Bayou Tiger, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Nah, I'm just stirring the pot, fucking with you guys. It's time for a reboot, a fresh start. We should all hope for the best,.. and give President Trump a fair chance,.. and I mean that,.. really.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Please provide the comments where he used the word hate? What policies specifically are about hatred?

    If you want to see lunatic fringe, bigots, and losers, then watch the coverage of protests and marches. I don't recall seeing people with Fuck Obama hats during HIS inaugural festivities. And if there were some they certainly weren't being given positive media coverage. Since when is it okay to publicly proclaim that you considered blowing up the White House? Gotdamn son, if a white person said that in the last 8 years, they'd still be in the pokey.

    The far left is opening the Dem schism up quite a bit. Any decent-minded lib can't possibly be on board with the absolute garbage that the ultra left is spewing today and since the election.
    Winston1, GiantDuckFan and LSUTiga like this.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Just lost a lot of respect for you, what an ugly disgusting coment to make. Here it is duck; If any body is Hitler like its your boy Obama and the democrats and idiots like you that voted for and followed him. First thing Hitler like rulers try to do is disarm the citizens which is what the left, your democratic (NAZI) party and your boy Obama (Hitler) constantly tried to do. The second thing they try to do is destroy Christianity, sound familiar? Third thing they try to do is destroy private property rights which the left, your democratic (NAZI) party and your boy Obama (Hitler) has been slowly working on. Fouth is devalue life, you fucking Godless pricks have been killing babies in the womb for 40 years giving women the right to kill at their pleasure and whim elavating them to god like status. I wont go any further but those are all you and your parties handy work. You and your fucking democrats are the NAZI party and the Clintons (Hitler) and your boy Obama (Hitler) are the Hitlers. You and your democrats have been pissing down our backs and telling us its raining for too long, NO FUCKING MORE.

    I too am sick and fucking tired of this constant Hitler reference from NAZI like assholes like you. Goosestep your sorry ass back to your democrats (Third Riech) party. There will be a day reckoning for you people one day and Trump is the begining.


    A Deplorable
    mctiger and GiantDuckFan like this.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    What exactly? An alleged "feminist" who disparages another woman? For what? What exactly did Ivanka do to deserve such a disgusting and ugly piece of hate?

    You can't possibly think the tweet about a 10 year old child is awesome. That pathetic piece of human excrement should be fired, absolutely. Do you know how many adults have lost their jobs over Facebook comments they've made about the Obamas? And I'm not talking about their daughters. Any adult who thinks it's okay to tweet about a child, and in particular, one who may have some kind of issue falling on the autism spectrum, is devoid of moral character.
    shane0911, tirk and LSUTiga like this.
  5. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    DuckMan, I agree with Pride. I'm not sure about the comment to the judge but otherwise, is retaliating "hate?" Women making unsubstantiated claims? A gold star family member calling him a racist? And btw, he did not disrespect the fallen soldier, rather, his father. Big difference even though the liberal media tried to make it about that.

    Meeting with an anti-LGBT group doesn't make him a hater any more than meeting with a pro LGBT group makes him gay.

    Elizabeth Warren lied about ancestry to gain an unfair advantage in getting hired to coveted faculty jobs at Harvard Law School and University of Pennsylvania Law School. Instead of calling her Pocahontas he should've called her Pinocchio
  6. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Calm down Adolph, you're spraying spit all over
    LSUTiga likes this.
  7. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    see post # 31 :)
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Girl you on a roll.
  9. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I was talking about Ashley Judd, don't have any clue about the autism stuff you are talking about. Trump said "if Ivanka weren't my daughter I'd be dating her" that's pretty fucking creeper.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Well that's no fun. lol

    I think Trump's biggest character flaw is he's really got thin skin and shouldn't give lip service to a lot of that kind of stuff. I think when he's attacked his survive at all costs instincts - for better or for worse- kick in.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.

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