@Kikicaca as usual you excuse your ally’s bad act by saying the democrats did it too/first. Where are your standards? Where is your shame? You’re holding that Moore and other sickos are ok only because they’re no liberals or democrats. Would you allow a 30+ year old man to date your 14-16 or even 18 yo daughter or granddaughter???? I’m tired of both sides excusing the sick and/or criminal action of their political allies for partisan politics. It is a stain upon our country.
Your either clueless, cant read or just a partisan hack. If you did read my post I said "if he is guilty he will be punished", get off your high horse and read what I said. Sorry if I was so crass for having the audacity to remember Teddy boy killing a girl and Bill using his power to take advantage of many many young women. Neither one of them resigned or caught any flack from the left.
Sean Hannity demands Moore's resignation within 24 hours... http://insider.foxnews.com/amp/article/59011
Roy Moore is a piece of shit and those who are attempting to defend him now should be ashamed of themselves. Let me go even broader and say this: any man who molests children is a piece of shit. Sexual assault of any kind is deplorable and isn't acceptable no matter what your politics are. Moore simply follows a long line of politicians and preachers who stand on their moral high horse and point to the sexuality of others as an example of our countries moral decay while they are engaging in the kind of behavior that they claim is ripping us apart. It's disgusting and it undermines folks who actually try to live by the tenets of their faith and hold themselves to a higher standard than they do anyone else.
Ivanka Trump comes out strongly against Moore. His days may be numbered. I just hope that the people get adequate representation when it's all said and done. That's what really matters. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/15/politics/ivanka-trump-roy-moore/index.html