Here is a CNN link. CNN link Old stuff but they were not supposed to have it, and definitely should not have been hiding it underground in plastic bags.
on your post dallas...they concluded those shells did not contain WMD materials. NOw this article appears today saying US and UK in spin control over allegations WMD never existed at all. I feel the President owes us an explanation on this issue, seeing how this was the biggest reason we invaded Iraq. I agree the removal of Hussien is a great victory for the free world, but if that is the real reason we were over there, just tell us....
Right, the mortar rounds the Danes found did NOT have any WMD in them after all. NO WMD have been found in Iraq. The problem is that I am sure that Fox Propaganda and Rush never bothered to report that the mortar shells had no mustard or nerve gas in them. That is all the little right wingers hear listen to so they never get the truth. David Kay, a bitch for Bush, is now saying there never were any WMD. Colin Powell is saying the same thing. Dick Cheney is still lying and still claiming there was a connection between Saddam and Osama. And $87 billion a year of American taxdollars are going to Iraq every year for the next few years thanks to Bush. It could be more depending on just how much Halliburton overcharges us or rips off the American taxpayer for.
Read what this guy was saying three months ago about the dangererous information they were finding and record destruction, not stockpiles but other information. You are playing the Democratic game of what is the present sound bite - stockpiles. Do we think Osama has stockpiles of WMDs - No, but we still fear that he may use them on us sooner rather than later. It just takes one. link
Cotteonbowel you keep talking out your a$$ and maybe one day you will get something right. From FOXNEWS link
More from Kay. Link Clinton News Network link This is CNN Based on Kay's own words , all of them not just he did not find stockpiles, Bush does not owe us an explanation.
Re: Re: WMD honcho reportedly quitting Well now that makes sense......Bush wanted it to die down so he keeps a search going? And keeps pushing for answers.