I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a '64 Impala
actually i have seen pics. she is a beautiful woman. its obvious that those cute kids look like their mom. thank goodness for them! :grin:
you musta been dying to type that cuz it logically fits nowhere in this discussion. also milf is degrading. :lol::lol:
yeah I suppose you're right. when okie forwards me a pic Ill add her to the dream list. but you gotta be careful of who you tell that stuff to though. theres all kinds out there on sabbaticals.
thats complete opposite of what i want to happen. i want us to repel, not attract...as in they move to halifax and reenact the harbour debacle. ppppps. tell them rating girls in the quad is not as funny as they think.