Your ignorance is showing again. State employees leave government work all of the time for greener pastures as do people in private sector who leave and take government jobs. Leaving is always an option and before Civil Service came about the state found it hard to attract and keep good workers when they couldn't pay bonuses. As it is Civil Service isn't collective bargaining, just an alternative measure to insure that political appointees who are only going to around for a few years can't hire and fire based upon an employees politics. And they insure that salaries and raises are handed out fairly and don't require political contributions (kickbacks).
That's what I said. They are represented just fine. I worked for the State from 1975 - 1983...then I got a real job.
I get coffee for the girls in the front office. I get iPads for the brainiacs. And both are good investments.
It's amazing how much coverage Wisconsin has received and how the "people" were going to take back the state from a Governor who was out of control. The national unions dumped millions into the state in an attempt to overtake the evil, rich, corporate-backing, middle America-hating, corporate jet owning, slave-driving Republicans. This was going to be easy as the "people" believed in hope and change and were ready for a revolution. Wisconsin's situation was compared to third world nations and the national media made it seem like war had broken out across the state. Well...after all the money, rhetoric, and deceptive media...the revolution was shot down. Obviously the "people" were more satisfied with the current personnel than the alternatives. Amazing enough the national media now has nothing to say about the ass kicking the unions just received. Some here will still attempt (with a straight face) to say the media is fair. Ha! Hey unions...this isn't the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, or 70's. You're irrevelant in today's world. Get with the program or prepare to be dissolved. Your leaders are going to ruin you. Go back to the basics! Greed is killing you.
If you're going to attempt to convince people all unions are comprised of honest, hardworking, middle-class people...good luck with that lie. Some unions have a good reason to exist. Many these days...don't! Did you see how much they wanted to screw the taxpayers in Wisconsin with health care until they lost their exclusive rights? Isn't it amazing how they now claim they can beat any low bid? I watched the Teamsters shut down DC 15 years ago by driving their tractor trailers all through the city blocking traffic. I was in their DC office the night the agreement was reached. I was in their private (no media) function and know exactly who and what they are. They may claim to represent hardworking, middle-class people but don't fool yourself.
True, 1 of them, some old dude that left his wife for a 35 yr old woman lost by a very slim margin and the other lost in a largely democratic district. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in those 2 seats.