I won't mind letting him on the team as a walkon for a year as a period of evaluation, but I wouldn't waste a scholly on on his a$$. We are too good of a school at recruiting to waste a valuable scholly.
What was he arrested for again? If it's weed, petty theft, minor vandalism, disturbing the peace or other kid stuff - I say who cares. If he's robbing people, carrying guns, committing unexplained acts of violence - uh, oh.
11 arrests of any kind is way past kid stuff and something to care about. This guy has a prison uniform with his name on it waiting for him somewhere. Not the kind of cancer you want on your football team IMO.
Can someone post a trend on the top 25 prospects of Louisiana on www.lsubeat.com. They say that we took away Gabriel Bryant's offer after his dismissal from school.
From yesterday's Orlando Sentinel... Coker on Willie Williams: Coker added that Beason and quarterback Kyle Wright's outright condemnation of Williams' actions would play into any decisions. ''Yeah, it does concern me,'' Coker said. ``These guys work hard. . . . It's unbelievable what they do. This is all the voluntary stuff. We don't take roll. They're there and they work to be really, really good. Just think about any of our jobs. You're working extremely hard doing what you're doing and somebody just shows up and demands a pay raise. That doesn't go over that well. ``Willie Williams is not a factor. He's a third-team linebacker. Let's talk about the guys who are going to play.''
Its one thing to have the players against him, but when the coach says that he "is not a factor", then he needs to get out of there. With Coker saying that, Williams will never see anything but the special teams in his college career. WW better find a team fast, D1 or D2, because he cant walk back on that team with all of this.