Honestly, in my own back yard. I cook an awesome lobster with a great garlic-buttah sauce. I get your point and agree, just kinda being a smart@ss today !
I love to read what Willie has to say. He's about as smart as Brandon Jacobs is. I can't wait to see what Willie says once he's playing football in college.
True the guy is making himself look like a moron, but he's a kid straight out of high school. I don't think my decisions and the way I acted when I was a freshman in college are anything like the person I later turned out to be. I was an idiot back then as is this guy. Cut the guy a little slack, he's only an opinionated jackass kid talking to a reporter.
i think this guy sounds smart. "''There was Gatorade all over the place,'' Williams said. 'I was like `I get it. Gatorade was made at Florida.' '' i think thats pretty funny, and the stuff about the beauty pageant was funny too. i like this guy.
He does give a pretty honest review of what being a young athlete in his position goes through. Kind of an insider look at what certain schools do to lure these guys in. He had a 3.0 gpa and a good SAT score, so he's obviously got a little self discipline and not completely stupid like some other moron players I won't mention.
It is obvious from his gangsta' talk that he has NO discipline. I know people that cannot write a sentence that graduated H.S. Who took that SAT test?? I think he is in for a rude awakening. Wait 'till he talks that thug trash about the team he's playing that week. He will be target #1. A victum of a drive-by!! What a lack of CLASS!!!