You make it sound as if people saying Broussard is a quality back is being anti Vincent. You couldn't possibly be more wrong. I hope Vincent runs for 2000 yds and wins the Heisman, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't develope other quality backs just in case. Broussard also showed temendous talent last year as a true freshman and looks to be in better shape now. You were the one knocking one of the RB's not those saying that Broussard is also a good RB. Are you Justin Vincents girl friend? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :shock: :shock: :shock:
No he's his b!tch!!! For God;s sake, why can't anyone think Broussard is good without that being a knock on Justin. You're kind of wacko yellow.
LMAO, hey mack ... can you biggie size that cadillack without an outstanding offensive line to block for him ... Cry us a river Tubby ... spell it like it is and will be ... :wink: STUFFED AT THE LINE ...
I have no idea why you are trying to make this a Vincent versus Broussard thing. Anyone who wears the purple and gold deserves our support. It's a team game and no one person is more important than the other. I hope Vincent breaks every rushing record at LSU ... and I hope Broussard and the other RBs have the same success as he does at LSU! We all have our favorite players, but that shouldn't be interpreted as a knock against another player. You seem more interested in stirring the pot rather than supporting the entire team...