I think its a pretty safe bet that JV will lead the team in TDs. He had 10 last year in the little that he played, with only Devery scoring more with 11 (if you dont count Mauck's 28 passing TDs and 1 rushing TD). Then again, Toefield tied the SEC mark in 2001, then suffered from injuries afterward, so you never know.
vincent is a leader plain and simple. he might not be the guy that leads the team but he will be one of them. and as for share the wealth, we all kno justin is going to get most of the carries. after the season he had last year there is no doubt that he will get most of them. as far as alley broussard he is way overratted. he cant do what justin can do plain and simple. he is simply a back who can pound it. but there is no to need use him as often as yall all want him to get the ball. justin is the man and his numbers will be prove once again that he is the back to go with.
and as far as leading the team in tds justin will prolly lead, might even break toefields record. and prolly put up somewhere between 1300-1400 yards with close to 20 tds
I'm not sure why you want to put Broussard down. He's not overrated and Saban sung his praises during spring practice. He's a different back than Vincent, but no less valuable to this team. If you watch SEC football, you would understand that you need more than one quality running back. As great a season Vincent had last year, you can't expect one RB to carry the ball 20+ times a game and not get hurt in this league. Broussard, along with the other talented RBs, will be counted on to carry this team back to Atlanta!
No way Alley is overrated. He was ranked as the best rB in his class, just as Justin was when he came out. They are both damn good RB's and Alley will get ample opportunity to show what he can. Will he be as good as JV we don't know but if JV is better that doesn't mean Alley is overrated, just that a great back may be a little better than him. That's like saying that Duece is overrated because he didn't lead the league in rushing. Being second best on the Tigers is not too shabby.
He's not expect to do the same things Justin can do....his nickname is "the bruiser" for great reason. Question for you yellow.....can JV do the things Broussard can do? Point is they both contribute in their own ways.....Ally is not overrated b/c he doesn't bring the same skillset.....he is rated on a differnt scale...apples to apples, oranges to oranges
You don't have a clue!!!! Broussard was a true freshman and played pretty good when he had the chance. Vincent had better get the job done because he has some hot competition right on his tail. Look for Broussard to get even more PT this year nad prove you waaaaayyyyy wrong. :dis: :dis: :dis:
Alley Broussard is NOT over-rated. Go back and watch the South Carolina game, for instance. He's a great back, and he'll see the field a lot next season. There's room for more than one dominant back in college football, and LSU has several.
No way is Broussard overrated, overshadowed-maybe, but not overrated. JV is just that good. AB will get his carries. CNS will make certain of that ....gotta keep the boyz happy :lol:
im not worried about alley gettin playin time cause, justin will prove once again he is the man. and as for as justin worryin about his spot he has nothin to worry about. ur right their 2 different backs, but alley couldnt put up the numbers justin does. how can u say justin is a little better justin has all the tools alley has some. ive watched both from high school. and the fact is justin is more talented. and yall are right he might not be overrated but i think he is, and they do have to different running styles whenenever justin started doin good everyone liked him. but its just funny whenever someone else does good everyone jumps in his wagon. noone sticks with one person.