He's gotten me before, too, but to save my life, I can't remember why. I guess I wan't too traumatized by it.
sabanfan, you have to make him have 3 red dots, then when he gives you neg, you will get 2 positive. I don't know how he's able to give rep to the same people almost everyday. How's that work?
Geez man lighten up a little will ya. You're taking this whole red/green thing entirely too seriously. How many rep pts you get on TF should, in no way, affect any part of your life whatsoever. Just don't take it so personally.
what if you do not like their posts? isnt that a more legit reason tha retribution, which is a bit petty? why not just red and green dot stuff based on merit, not your little disputes? i appreciate red dots. its nice to know what people think.
Are you telling me that kidding around with someone about a line from Animal House that was not even meant for either one of the people that red dotted me is a legit disagreeable post. If you disagree with my take on a Free Speach Alley topic or even a football topic i can live with that. But when i am kidding around with someone and it is clearly kidding around then it just seems a little petty. Do red dots hurt me absolutely not but it just seems they should be givin when you do disagree about a serious topic. Like i said my posts are not going to change either of your minds so red dot away if it makes you feel better about yourself. I prefer to give positive feedback to people on good posts. Without all the negative people in the world i guess we wouldnt have a Democratic Party. Red dot me for that.
it isnt for you to judge, it is what they approve of. maybe they dont like animal house. maybe they just think your writing style is boring. they can approve or diapprove for whatever reason they want. you are the one misusing the system by using red dots as retribution rather than an honest measure of what you think.
Still want to know why it matters. Just let it go. Colored dots are no measure of your worth as a person, just some silly game that people play on forums.
No, really, I do not care about reputation points.... but if I know YOU care, then I will give you red just because it is foolish to value pixels on a forum.