I didn't go to school in MS. I went to a catholic school in Crowley. actually it's an impossibility for him to GF me, YOU maybe but not me, my saddle doesn't ride that way.... :hihi: good natured ribbing is beyond you huh? :lol:
Your not alone Sabanfan. Jesuit just red dotted me for kidding about the Germans bombing pearl harbor from Animal House. Jesuit must be very immature. Some kids just dont deal well with some power. Jesuit when i can you got some red coming your way.
You poor thing. He gave me green today. I think he's the greatest guy on the forum. He's awesome in my book!
What happened to the "Most underrated TF Poster" post? I think we should have an underrated / overrated TF Poster thread... it's a good idea..
Wait till he red dots you for saying the sky is blue. Then you might not be so understanding :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Yeah Right. I have seen how forgiving and non judgemental you are. I forgot you like dishing out the red for little or no reason yourself. I dont dish out much red unless i get it done to me. Seems a little petty to go around giving red dots to people all the time. I dont red dot people i disagree with because they are entitled to their opinion too. I prefer to give out green to people i agree with or have a good well thought out post. It picks up people and is a positive. But you red dotters do what you want. I cant stop you from being negative jerks that go around spreading your miserable lives on everyone else.
i dont think Gradin has ever red dotted me.. not once.. but he is welcome to :lol:. My enormous amount of Positive rep softens the blow of random red i get from Marty and pissing matches.
Sometimes, I try to piss certain people off. The red dot tells me I succeeded. It's very gratifying. :thumb: