Will Bama's boosters ever learn??

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Fishhead, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    By no means am I trying to gloss things over here guys. BUT, it is very important to realize that these secondary violations occur everywhere. Why? One reason and one reason along. It is due to the complexity of the rule book the NCAA has out there in terms of recruits, violations, etc.

    Just as an example, and it'll give you something to chew on...

    Ken Carpenter, who is the Chair of your Athletic Council, made a report to your Faculty Senate two years ago. During his report he stated that "LSU makes reports of approximately 50 secondary violations per year which are submitted to the SEC and then to the NCAA."

    This is a pdf. file...

    Click here to read it The statement is from page 5.

    About the only thing these secondary violation reports do is give rivals something to talk about.
  2. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Just picking a bit...

    May 10, l979

    15. NCAA Bylaws 1-l-(a), l-l-(b), l-7-(j) and l-7-(l) [improper recruiting inducements, transportation and off-campus entertainment] -- (a) A former assistant football coach provided a prospective student-athlete automobile transportation to a restaurant where the young man was provided a meal, and (b) A representative of the university's athletic interests paid for the cost of admission for a movie for a prospective student-athlete (football).

    Did Bama sign the recruit in question who got travel?

    Booster giving a book about Bama to a recruit? Cost about a movie and a meal?

    What was a recruit doing in a skybox with a booster?

    AU got hammered for this kind of stuff in the 70-80 period. Now it is secondary violations?
  3. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Next signing class...

    The contact was in the new addition. The skybox entrances are located in the same complex as the recruiting rooms, etc. Crossing paths with recruits there, is an everyday kind of thing on ball games.

    If I'm not mistaken, and I haven't read the official report, is the transportation was what was reported.

    The 70-80 period was a lot more extensive than a simple movie and a meal, wasn't it?

    Thinking about it...wasn't there an Ohio St. player that was given a meal, the violation was reported, and all he had to do with repay the cost of the meal? Something to the tune of 5 bucks or so...

    From conversations I've had in the last few days...it's limited to this...

    Dec of '06 was the contact with the recruit outside the recruiting room.
    Jan. of '07 was the round trip transportation on the visit for the mother and her friend.
    Feb. of '07 was the contact at the high school.
  4. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Heard something?, shoot me an email...

    In the 50's we got probation because a recruit's father (I believe he was a well to do bootlegger) bought an air conditioner for his son's apartment. In the 70's if we even thought about doing something to help our program, it resulted in probation. Ironic the skyboxes are mentioned...the movie ticket happened at the time AU was putting in the first skyboxes at JH.

    I am not so naive that I think either program were as pure as a mid 60's Pittsburgh snow.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    One of the problems I saw with the new construction at BDS in its infancy was the proximity of the recruiting rooms, hosting rooms, etc. and how close they were to the different booster activities. Consider, even the lowest donation for TidePride (as in the ones that include meals) are in virtually the same complex, just as the new skyboxes and "The Zone." I didn't look at it as a problem, just extra work for the compliance staff.

    In this situation, the compliance staff caught it, did the right thing, and reported it.

    Considering the 70's and 80's and your NCAA situation, ours in the 90's, we can both agree that the NCAA selectively decides what to be dealt with and what to...well, basically ignore. When you mentioned those examples the first thing I thought of was the car/Travis Carroll deal...and how above board and within the law (compliance with Fed. Trade laws, etc.) that was and yet that was considered an extra/illegal benefit.

    I mentioned South Carolina earlier and that banned substance...reminds me of Todd Bates losing a year of eligibility because of a weight gain substance he bought over the summer from GNC.

    It's so darn complicated now-a-day it doesn't border on being ridiculous, it is. There are so many gray areas that the NCAA can decide, on a whim, if it's more black or white.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    One of the big problems with NCAA regulations is that there are a lot of issues that are subject to interpretation. And the NCAA does the interpreting.

    Fans really have to walk on eggshells around potential recruits. Coaches have an even more complex set of regulations. Fans are simply allowed to do nothing regarding recruiting. Because they are allowed to have contact with potential recruits, coaches have complicated procedures to follow.
  7. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    This is the most frustrating part of the deal. What seems to be major infractions at some schools result in little more than an admonishment, and "trivial" points can be considered major at others. It is truly amazing watching the NCAA cycle through its undecipherable enforcement strategy.
  8. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Another real murky area here...especially when considering you have boosters that are in the high school coaching ranks.
  9. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Technically, if you think about it, any kid that attends a high school where his friends encourage them to attend a particular school...

    I've said for years the NCAA needs to be disbanded, and start with either another organization or from square one.

    The CFA changed the landscape dramatically several decades ago. We need something along those lines, now.
  10. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Terry, you have some good things to say but you are really annoying at times.

    I did nothing that was in violation. For you to say I did when you were not there shows you are wrong.
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