He said somethign about how Arizona stoped LSU from a "200 yard passer and a 100 yard runner." Yeah, thats great considering our BACKUPS were in the game in the SECOND freaking QUARTER
sat·ire ( P ) Pronunciation Key (str) n. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Latin satira, probably alteration (influenced by Greek satur, satyr, and saturos, burlesque of a mythical episode), of (lanx) satura, fruit (plate) mixture, from feminine of satur, sated, well-fitted. See s- in Indo-European Roots.]
It's obviously a satire, a parody of those fans (of whatever school) who insist on finding bright spots even in the most one-sided losses. Pretty funny stuff.
If it were the Advocate or any other paper in the SEC they wouldn't be joking about a blowout like that - They would be calling for heads to roll. They take football just a wee bit more seriously in these parts than they do out west.