Why won't Palin talk?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by lsu-i-like, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Nothing was agreed upon in the summer. Whatever you claim about what Obama did or didn't do doesn't change that.

    Suddenly McCain is involved in economics? Isn't this a weakness of his?

    I said I'd be disappointed, not that the world would end (your bias is showing).

    I never said I wasn't voting for McCain, just that I probably won't be.

    Bush was reelected and Blanco was chosen governor of La, which goes to show that common sense doesn't always prevail. I don't think a McCain victory is out of the question regardless of the McCain campaign's actions.

    I wouldn't say no support from Republicans is accurate and I'm curious what McCain is offering above moral support in regard to solving this problem.

    I guess you feel secure knowing the noted economist John McCain is taking care of the situation.

    I'm not defending the press, but I don't think that Palin was a good choice for VP if she is a delicate flower whose honor needs defending. It seems insane to me that you are worried about how the press is bullying Palin. You're worried about the way the press is treating a potential VP?

    You're screeching, man. I feel like your response has been disproportionately antagonistic and it seems you've been unwilling to consider a point of view aside from your own.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    So the current economic crisis doesn't warrant a delay in your opinion? Just the opinion of the president, the congress, and every economic expert on the planet, along with most of the world leaders whose own economies are tanking as a result. Okay, I see your point - I must be a schizophrenic.

    No, predictably McCain is involved in bi-partisanship. You should read more carefully.

    There is bias here, and you can believe it's not yours if it makes you happy. Good luck with that.
    A McCain victory is not out of the question. But you have yet to prove how McCain can hoodwink the electorate in to voting for him if he keeps "hiding" Palin. You seem to be "on to his ploy". Do you think you are the only one that sees this? And isn't McCain behind in the polls anyway? Check with Red. He seems to have the latest obscurenotreallyaccurate poll handy.

    You wouldn't say that based upon what? Ignoring the news reports that republicans overwhelmingly do not support a bail out? Or based upon you just don't want to concede this point? McCain left for Washington for the expressed reason of delivering the republican vote. If he does that, good job for him. If not, then he fails. Either way, your pretend scenario is playing only in your own mind. Well, that's not entirely fair. You sound like Barney Frank.
    I feel secure that a 20+ year record of bipartisanship senator is putting the country above himself. What is Obama doing? Reading note cards for the debate he is expected to lose? Oh that's right. He is participating in the bipartisan negotiations... now that Bush invited him to do so.

    You are the only person here defending the slander of her family. No, I take that back. Gumborue has defended the right to go after her family as well. That makes two. You guys should start a club.
    I am not crying about how McCain is deceiving the American voters with his current actions. Even Bill Clinton, the Holy Bubba hisself is not doing that. That's your place. At least be man enough to own it.
  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I don't see the resolution to this problem crumbling without McCain or Obama. You've taken the notion that I'll be disappointed if the debate isn't held to a place I never intended it to go. I think McCain is wrong but I'm pretty sure I started this thread and have been most vocal about the shrouding of Palin.

    If Bush was reelected and Blanco was governor over Jindal, I don't think it is a stretch to assume flawed candidates might win. I don't know what proof you want, it is a fact that flawed candidates have become elected for the wrong reasons.

    There were Republicans who were in agreement with whatever was worked out yesterday, thus not all Republicans were against it. That was before the meltdown that occurred midday. I'm not sure I'm in agreement with a $700 billion bailout, so I don't mind that this thing is being questioned. It just seems strangely political that McCain wants to play such a large role in an area in which he is not well versed. You don't believe McCain is playing politics and I am suspicious. No need to call each other names.

    How am I defending the press? I expressly stated that I was not defending the press. My point is that anyone in the public eye has to deal with that crap. Hollywood does it all the time, is our potential VP more fragile than Hollywood folk? A VP candidate needs to be able to withstand the crap spewed by media. Stop treating the woman like a victim, she'll be next in line to stare down hostile foreign leaders and press the red shiny button if need be. You are completely overlooking this, giving her a pass because the media is big, bad, and mean, but that's life.

    I haven't run away with my tail between my legs yet. I just hope most notice where the emotional hostility and personal attacks are coming from, even if you don't.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    OOoooh! You are so mean! Now my feelings are really hurt . . .
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Ahhh, good comeback. :rolleye33:

    Here's an email I got this morning, for your amusement.

  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I got this email from my racist cousin this morning:

    CHANGE-Come help a nigga get elected

    i did chuckle but i probably shouldnt have. i think that makes me racist too.
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Don't feel single'd out here, i-like; this question is for everyone who agrees with the above quote. You're upset that McCain feels its more important to go do his current job as a Senator and wants to put off what amounts to a job interview before the American people. I'm curious about how you guys felt when The Hat said last year that he was more concerned about getting his "damn strong team" ready for the SECCG instead of worrying about possibly campaigning for his dream job at UM?
  8. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Red, you're ruthless, making me agree with you like that!! I would bet every American who's not a politician would immediately sign on to that plan! How about forwarding that to Mary, David and the gang in DC?
  9. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Red, I guess I'd have trouble turning down 500,000. That would change my current situation for sure, but I imagine 500,000 would soon equal 500 or less, especially considering that this bailout money probably isn't even real money.

    Nice. Not quite parallel, but nice. Does this mean McCain is going to take his name out of the race? :thumb:
  10. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Good catch. I guess if the Dems can suddenly make Biden too sick to run for VP and replace him with Hillary, McCain could suddenly decide to stay in this damn strong Senate, thus elevating Palin to the top billing on the ticket. Then she could choose Jindal as her running mate! :hihi:
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