Why won't Palin talk?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by lsu-i-like, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Interesting, it appears Obama has gotten a bounce in the last week. And what, my friends, has happened in the last week? The Wall St. downturn, spurred in great part by the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle. And yet.....


    I'll summarize for the lazy: It was the Clinton Administration that touched off this debacle. President Bush recognized the growing problem and tried to head it off by tightening regulations in 2003, but was blocked by the Democrats.

    Where is the mainstream media on this issue? Chanting "It's Bush's fault" along with Obama and "We won't be fooled again," with Red.
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    What are the details on Obama ducking McCain? Should Obama simply agree to traipsing around the country with McCain? I don't know why Obama refused and I won't simply assume it was for inexcusable reasons.

    You don't seem to be taking seriously that a campaign for president is uninterested in allowing the nation to get a good feel for their VP. I've said more than once that I was interested in what Palin is bringing to the table, but she's been slipping fast because of this charade she and McCain are playing.

    I followed the Republican primaries and formulated my opinion of McCain then. Unless he changes I don't see myself voting for him, but I don't think that is unfair. I haven't blindly written off McCain because I've been smitten with Obama, I decided based on the way he carried himself and the plans he presented that he probably isn't the candidate for me... that probably won't be changed, but I think Palin could possibly push me closer to McCain or a third party (as could an Obama screw up).

    I'm not pushing democratic propaganda, I'm recoiling against devious tactics employed by the Republican party and the McCain campaign. Why do I care? Why shouldn't I? I'm American, damn it.

    I'm tired of being kept in the dark by the people who are supposed to be leading us. I haven't completely bought into Obama, but I agree with him on some key subjects which McCain disagrees with.

    You sure are taking it as a dem vs us thing. I don't see it that way; I'm upset for reasons other than republican or democrat. I'm annoyed the debate might be delayed and I think McCain is in the wrong. You have to do a better job of explaining why Obama not agreeing with McCain over the summer was wrong.

    Lame is you treating Palin like a victim. I expect she's a tough cookie, isn't that a prereq for politics? The "media" has been petty or full of praise, depending on which station you watch and I imagine some media has actually been fair. She, and republicans, have to be able to withstand bullsht, that's part of the game. Fox and the radio talkshows are regularly reeming lilly livered libs.

    I'd hate that as well. Don't like a*hole drivers.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    here ya go you ornery mofo.

  4. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    I'd buy that for a dollar.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    McCain proposed 10 town hall meetings. Obama ignored it. He said at his DNC that he would have a debate anywhere, anytime with McCain. How convenient that he had all the time since Hillary dropped out but chose not to. But now it's vitally important that it happen Friday instead of next Wednesday. If you need further clarification, then I can't help you.

    No, I am uninterested in whether they meet your time line for doing so. You believe it is critical that they do everything yesterday. I know the election is over a month away and do not share your terror.

    Then the history books will regard it as a tactical error and McCain will lose. What is the big deal?
    Then you are a statistical anomaly. Most people do not vote for vp, they vote for prez, and history shows that the vp carries little weight in the decision. Since you are already declaring against McCain, what can Palin possibly do to sway your support? Come mop your kitchen?
    That's how you perceive it and not everyone shares your viewpoint. Noticeably the left wing media does.

    Then explain to me how McCain can keep Palin locked in a closet and win the campaign? Please explain that to me, because that is the only tragic scenario that could happen in your world. How can he win if he does this?? And if he loses while doing it, who cares?????
    I have to explain why Obama waits for months to debate is wrong, but you don't have to explain why McCain waiting 5 days is wrong?? :huh:

    You are amazing. Her record is fair game. Her family is not. And she has taken more heat there in the public than everyone else combined. Last Saturday, SNL made a joke about her husband sleeping with his own daughters. A journalist in a state sponsored paper in Canada called her a porn star whose fans are just "white trash". The "game" as you have dubbed it, does not extend to the other candidates, but there will be no explaining this to you, so after this post, I won't bother.

    Either you will accept that you will learn more about Palin when McCain decides or you won't. I have obliterated everything you have said, but you still keep spouting the "great conspiracy". At this point it is useless to explain anything, regardless of your dissatisfaction. Just proclaim victory and be done with it.
    1 person likes this.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Mastermind does have excellent taste in avatars. Mine only inspires people to bathe.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That is such a blatant misrepresentation of the current situation that it borders on the criminally negligent.
  8. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    gee red did you smoke a cig after reading that?.....seems to have gotten you excited.

    maybe you should stick to that dr lou bit you do at half time red....your moderate status is starting to lean a wee bit left.

    1 person likes this.
  9. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I did a little research... Obama didn't ignore it, his campaign felt there wasn't enough time. I don't know if that was a cop out, but I feel shocked you'd give McCain a pass simply because the other guy did it. In any case, both campaigns agreed to these three debates, which wasn't the case with the townhall meetings. I feel like McCain is wrong on this. This is a major debate the country has been looking forward to and now McCain wants to dictate changes to the schedule. I have heard doubts over the need for McCain in Washington focused on nothing but this issue, an arena he isn't usually involved.

    We'll be voting before you know it. I don't like the feeling I'm getting from the McCain/Palin ticket.

    If I were to feel that Palin was a strong choice for VP, I might be more inclined to vote for McCain, particularly considering his age and health issues. I saw parts of the Couric/Palin interview and wasn't too impressed, which might explain keeping Palin under wraps. I haven't written her off, though.

    Bush was reelected and Blanco was chosen governor over Jindal.

    I don't feel you were giving a full account of the situation, which was different from the scheduled debate that both campaigns agreed upon.

    I can't believe you are so surprised by the actions of the press. Obama has had some quite ugly accusations levied at him. As a public figure you have to expect to face the worst of humanity. Our possible future VP can't be shielded from garbage, and to attempt to do so makes her seem less capable.

    We'll see; I don't like feeling deceived. I am genuinely interested in hearing more from Palin.

    Is attempted auto-fellatio necessary? Don't let me get in the way. In fact, I'll stand back.
  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Ok, I was going to bed but this senseless post of your's deserved one last response.

    Perhaps you didn't notice, but there appears to be something really important going on in the country right now - economic crisis. So devious McCain has chosen to help fix it. The debates will happen but are a secondary option for McCain because he is doing his job. Obama, or his campaign, or whomever you want to name had opportunity to debate all summer and chose not to, so bitching about 5 days now is silly. Accept it.

    There is a serious issue in Washington currently and there is virtually NO republican support for either the President's plan, or the democrats plan. That's why McCain went back. To wrangle support from the republicans for the bail out package. It isn't done yet. If it gets done, then I imagine there will be a debate. If not, then I imagine the foreign policy debate(where McCain will destroy Obama anyway) will take place next week. Why does your personal stopwatch end tomorrow?

    No, we will be voting on November 4th. The rest of the country knows this as well. It's not a surprise, except to you. If you don't like what you are "feeling" from the McCain/Palin ticket, do everyone a favor and just don't vote for them. Oh wait, you already said you were not voting for them. What's the problem again?

    Then you should not vote for McCain.

    What does this gobbledygook mean? Prove to me how McCain can "deceive" the electorate by hiding Pailin and win this election. Who is he hoodwinking? Don't just keep whining about the horror, prove it.

    Not a full account? McCain challenged Obama. Obama declined to do it(pick any reason you like!). There are 3 scheduled debates. There will be 3 debates. One of them may happen on a different day due to this little matter of a $700 BILLION bailout bill that has no support from the republicans, but apparently needs McCain to push through.

    But ignore that. Debating on Friday, instead of Wednesday is more important than the American, and by extension, world economic collapse. Yeah, I see your point.

    I can't believe you are so obtuse. This really does not even deserve a response. Just keep believing everything is ok.
    How are you deceived? Don't you mean disappointed? Palin will talk to the people when their campaign decides she should, because they have their own strategy that doesn't really account for your overly sensitive feelings. If she does not become more accessible in your required time frame, and enough people share your pain, then McCain/Palin will not be elected.

    How is the country deceived, defrauded?

    Stand back and make room for yourself. I have answered your screeching repeatedly but you continue to parrot the exact same things. Have the last word if it is important to you. The thread and all of your comments speaks for itself.

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