Why won't Palin talk?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by lsu-i-like, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    That's because Obama (with the media faithfully reporting without doing their homework) has successfully managed to lay the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle at GWB's feet. Everyone conveniently forgets the groundwork Bill Clinton laid for starting the housing bubble by demanding FM/FM give loans to thousands of Americans who couldn't afford them. The current administration has failed to curtail the runaway train; that is true (although it tried), but 2 administrations from both parties created this mess. The media, however, has quickly taken the position that its all Bush's fault.
  2. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Here's a little secret....Mexicans were sneaking across the border, companies were out-sourcing overseas, and we were doing business with China long before Bush became President. Another one...the Democrats could have voted against going to war, but they didn't have the cojones to stand up for their (lack of) conviction when the time was at hand. Still another....I'm certainly not a millionaire, but I GOT A TAX CUT!! Class envy doesn't become you. And before we declare the beginning of the depression, a reminder that the official definition of Recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth. We haven't had one yet.

    That might be a concern if tomorrow's debate were about economics. Tomorrow's subject is foreign policy.

    I've answered that, which led to....

    Old, lame and tired to the people who are controlling the debate, perhaps, but not to us who are absolutely repulsed by this latest example of liberal hate-speech. You give me Fox? I give you CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, The New York Times, along with the majority of major daily news publications. As for Limbaugh and Coulter, they are commentators. You tune in to them with the understanding that their opinions will permeate the discussion. News outlets are supposed to be unbiased.
  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Did he give any reasons? Even if Obama was wrong, do two wrongs make a right? It kills me to hear people defending McCain based on what Obama is doing. What's right is right. Whether Obama wants to go on with the debate or not, I am interested in seeing the debate - I feel like it is very important.

    You are scoffing at the idea of helping the voters make an informed decision? Let McCain do the wrong thing, the voters will resent him for it? Seriously?

    I am probably not voting for McCain because I disagree on some fundamentals of his campaign and he gave me a bad taste during the Republican primaries, but he could possibly win me over. I am more interested in finding out if I want to vote Obama or third party, which is what I'm probably closer to doing.

    It's really lame of you to turn this into a Democrat vs Republican thing.

    I'm not feigning anything, I'm genuinely upset.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    It is important, and there will be debates. None will be canceled, just possibly one delay, so you will see a debate. The fact is that Obama supporters are trying to make it out like McCain is ducking Obama, when the truth is, it's been the other way around all year long. And that devilish McCain is doing it because he is, OMG, doing his job as a senator. Just shocking.
    I scoff at nothing. I merely point out reality. If McCain/Palin don't run an informative campaign, then they will lose. You have apparently made up your mind already, so why do you care what he does? You should be celebrating.

    It is a democrat vs republican thing, wheter you wish to believe it or not. Save the naivety for someone else. Lame is you crying about one debate being delayed, when Obama has had months to debate and avoided it. Lame is you acting like the voters are being hoodwinked because the media hasn't had more access to Palin, after their stellar smear job on her so far. Lame is you thinking that people are going to vote for a candidate if they don't know enough about them. Lame is this entire thread.

    If something like this truly upsets you, I would hate to cut you off in traffic.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nonsense. Obama is doing everything he needs to do as a senator and ALSO doing what he needs to do as a Presidential Candidate. He's planning to be in Mississippi on Friday for the debate with McCain after joining legislators in Washington on Thursday. If McCain is incapable of multi-tasking on important issues, then he's not the man to be President.

    You haven't been paying attention. He's meeting with a Republican President about the crisis, he's been talking to Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle. He's honoring a commitment to a bipartisan debate, for Heaven's sake! Obama, McCain urge bipartisan solution to financial crisis

  6. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Lame dem talking point. He is only doing that after Bush invited him back. He did not go back on his own, so he gets zero points.
    Apparently you think so, because you keep trying to skew things to make Obama look heroic. Truth is he got left behind checking to see which way the wind was blowing. This is not the first time he has done that.

    And what happened to your claim that Obama now has the biggest lead of the year? You abandon that claim after I shredded it? Thought so. Your segues are so heavy handed, it's dizzying.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The Democrats quickly realized a snowballing clusterfugg based on Presidential lies when they saw one and got out of the rut. The Republicans chanted "Stay the course" and keep digging the hole deeper. We won't be fooled again.

    Then who needs a Trillion dollar Bailout of Wall Street? You think the American Economy is in fine shape, like McCain does. You are ignoring the problem and insisting that it doesn't exist. This is why the Republicans will lose.

    The last time the President stood up and announced an unprecedented crisis and demanded A Trillion Dollars and unlimited authority to deal with it, look what it got us. We won't be fooled again.

    You give me the New York Times, I give you the Wall Steet Journal. There are plenty of biased (both ways) and unbiased media out there to draw viewpoints from. People who blame the "media" for delivering news that they don't want to hear are sadly out of touch with reality. We won't be fooled again.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I point out things that blow holes in your statement, you're not supposed to like it.

    Now you're talking to yourself and answering! :lol: I don't blame you for not wanting me to answer. If you ever listed a source for your claims, then we wouldn't have to ignore them.
  9. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I never said the economy is "in fine shape." I cautioned against declaring an "impending depression" when we're still in a period of growth. Slow growth to be sure, but not a decline. And I for one am against the bailout. I just appreciate McCain's sense of duty. BTW, referring to your last post about the need to actually be there in the age of email, fax, etc, imagine this exchange on the Senate floor....Sen. Reid: "The chair recognizes the Senator from Louisiana".....Sen. Vitter: "Mr. Chairman, allow me to read an e-mail from Senator McCain." :nope: And if his (and Obama's)only resposibility in this issue will be to vote, can Senator's vote by proxy? I don't think that's allowed....although it wouldn't surprise me if it happens.

    Yes, that whole thing about a President taking his role as Commander-in-Chief seriously is a bitch, aint it?:hihi: By the way, show me where GWB demanded "a Trillion Dollars and unlimited authority."

    We were talking about the Sarah Palin issue, the treatment she's received from the media, and why she's not talking. I stand by my viewpoint of the media on this issue. As to "delivering news you don't want to hear," how quickly has the media jumped up to point out Palin's lack of experience. She's been a Governor roughly as long as Obama has been a Senator, and at least Palin spent the majority of her term governing. Obama has spent most of his Senate term running for President, yet the MSM never questions his lack of experience. That's not "news I don't want to hear," its spin, plain and simple. And since it is reality that the media is overwhelmingly bias in favor of Obama, then go ahead and call me out of touch.

    You're ready to hand the nation over to a Jimmy Carter clone, and you can say that?
  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    You really should run for the senate. You make up more bs than any of those guys.

    Not wanting an answer? I asked you specifically to address it twice. What's the matter? You too lazy to look it up yourself?


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