I understand what you all are saying. I guess it was the right call by Smoke. And yes, he was clearly safe. :geaux: :tigbas: :geaux:
Mr. Peabody- When you come to pensacola, be sure to look to your left as you go down the road on the beach. There is a tattered, faded OU flag that has been flying for about a year. I've been meaning to go take it down and run up the purple and gold, but I don't know if the OU family is sporting a shotgun or not.
I will. We usually leave OKC early in the morning and arrive at Pensacola right at dinner time. We stay the night there and go to Destin the next day. I've been meaning to go to the Air Musuem at the Airforce Base at Pensacola, but I haven't yet.
You probably won't be able to find an LSU flag close to where you live so when you pass through Baton Rouge I'll meet you somewhere with an LSU flag to take with you. :hihi: :rofl:
Naval Base for the Air Museum in Pensacola. Not to be particular… but my Grandfather was a Commander there and my Mom grew up on the base. Both would be offended by your mistake. Just trying to defend family pride.