Perhaps that is so, but what does this mean? They hate us more now as opposed to when? And don't equate support in Afghanistan with lack of hate. That changed nothing. Iraq has merely given the haters a new focus, but the underlying reasons have always, and will always be there. Some of the people we give the most money to in aid, still manage to hate us the most. This is not because of Iraq. It just comes down to another way to bash Bush because you disagree with him, but it is grossly mischaracterized and inaccurate. Bush has got plenty of faults, but not increasing the good will towards Americans worldwide is not one of them. With each passing year, this has increased regardless of who was president.
I ask, why shouldn't I celebrate the hope for the possibility for things to change for the better? Is Obama the savior, no; but as in many business dealings, change of face change of pace.
Welcome to the party. I guess to quote. Andy Dufrene from Shawshank Redemption "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"
No offense, but you were 2 when Reagan was first inaugurated, so I'll assess no credibility to your observations.
I know it was mentioned. I was looking for the vow. A vow would be something specific. thats a bunch of shiit. Im glad you thought so though. necessity. heh. hows that scion of yours. nitpicking? you said you dont think he will accomplish all his goals. I think 10% is not nitpicking when you claim almost 100%. i guess that was funny and relevant. nope you're head over heels. reagan saw no quote of said vow. hope so