Why should I be celebrating today ?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by TexasTigers, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    One of the most amusing things for me is asking anyone (either side) to give me 4 examples of why you vote the way you do.
    Most come up blank. Or "Bush Sucks" or "Oprah loves him"
    Its kind of like when Penn and Teller went to an Environmental Rally and got 1000 signatures banning water.
    Most idiots have no idea what they are voting for or protesting. they just feel like they want to be a part of something.
    Its quite amusing.

    For example find 10 people ask them who their representative is. I assure you 8 of 10 will say "I have no idea".
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Alright. Let's play.
    You voted for Obama. You obviously feel he's the right person to lead our country "back" to greatness. On what basis? What do you know about Obama that tells you he's going to be a great President? What did he learn in the Chicago machine that prepared him for the oval office?
    Do you think he'll continue to keep this country safe from terrorism? What makes you think that? Closing Gitmo? Will that stop al qaeda in their tracks? Do we put the terrorists out on the street? No? What does he do with them? Will he pull us out of Iraq? That's a promise he made. How and when, and how will that make America stronger?
    What about the economy? What's his track record? What in his background tells you that he is the man to pull us out of this recession? Is trillions in new spending going to make Americans fat and happy again? At what cost?Will free healthcare at taxpayer expense and handing out free money...err...rebates...promote a robust economy and promote help poor folks get off the dole and into productive society? Will taxing the rich promote expansion and create the millions of new jobs that he's promised?

    What is it that makes you so confident that Obama is the messiah and that from this point forward everything is going to be so much better?
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    These are not mutually exclusive issues. The Big Dog is always distrusted and disliked. People still know who butters the bread.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    A case can be easily made that the voting population is a more than statistically valid representative of the total population. You certainly can offer no numbers to suggest otherwise.
  5. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Well of course every president and politician thinks their job is significant. the difference is I want one in office who thinks his job should be obsolete if his term ends successfully. thats pretty much the difference between reagan and all those who have followed. obama seems to be atop that socialist list which is what I fear most. I guess Ill give you a pass on your raeganomics[sic].

    Now lets get back to previous points you thought I mailed in (certainly possible).

    Exactly, a vow is not vague in the least. Thats what I asked for--the vow you were referring to. I was curious to exactly what he said since it was "extremely important to" you in choosing him as a candidate. All candidates bloviate about issues; few speak specifics.

    they hated us but respected us but knew they should be grateful to us. okie dokie. :confused:

    These countries are grateful on an as needed basis. they go right back to being envious and hateful toward america the second their needs are fulfilled; which are simply american dollars. And they never truly like us; they're just waiting for their checks to clear. It will always be this way.

    Being liked is such a fickle situation- and something we have so little control over -that it shouldnt be an objective anyhow. And regarding respect, they respect and hate us in the sense they know we can kick their ass; and that hasnt changed.

    On global warming--I completely disagree on how we are going about solving this so-called problem. Even if we shut down every factory and stopped driving every car with co2 emissions, no one knows if it would change a damned thing. No one even knows if we're the actual cause. No one and this includes you. Its still a hypothesis! i mean jupiter and mars and triton and venus are all warming and some at a similar rate. what kind of vehicles are those aliens using?

    yet you're going to tell everyone what to do with their tax dollars in order to make you feel better about a problem you dont even know the cause?? much less how to correct it? Do you know how ridiculous that is? Im all for a carbon tax but only if you're willing to pay my share.

    Although, maintaining a cleaner environment while recycling is good for everyone so we can agree on that at least.

    Again, I dont think a 90% difference in success rate is nitpicking. I think its a rather significant amount.

    It seems you're smitten with obama and thats completely ok. Of course I may have misinterpreted your post about his chance at 100% success (although you weren't certain). 100% just seems a tad optimistic to me (..but maybe i misunderstood?). :lol:

    And thats ok, too. 2 million people felt the same way in DC yesterday but I trust you arent one who passed out during the inauguration due to obama's mere presence. did you?????

    Anyhow, the FISA deal is pretty bad, i agree. listening in on anyone without probable cause is crap and that wasnt the spirit of which FISA was intended years ago.

    The fewer rights we have as americans on a daily basis, the madder I become, regardless the intent; global warming notwithstanding.
    2 people like this.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Wow!...do you work for CNN or MSNBC? If not, you missed your calling.

    "A case can be easily made" but there's "no numbers to suggest otherwise".

    I guess you can have your cake and eat it too. :hihi:

    Sorry Red...sell that on people who can't make their own decisions but not in here.
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Hey, did anyone else catch the story about the Pres and Justice Roberts taking a "do-over" on the oath last night? I guess they decided that to avoid any possible legal challenges they had to make sure they got the wording just right after Tuesday's stumble-through. Just found that amusing.
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    CC, I see you gave me red for this. It's good to know I got under your skin a little. :thumb:
  9. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    i saw that and started laughing at the quote by obama, something to the effect of "we are going to do this very slowly this time".
  10. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Yeah, well, I never really do that, but you earned it. The rest of us were trying to engage in civil, intelligible discourse, and all you could add were snide little potshots. But alas, my attempt to prod you into it evidently worked...:D
    This I have already covered in a fair amount of detail. Go find my original post in this thread and you will have your answer to this question.
    It goes back a lot further than that. I believe that there are far more experiences outside of politics that shape your ability to lead. There are a lot of things about his background that I think will attribute to his success...his meager upbringing, his unique background, his work as a constitutional lawyer.

    Further, even the most staunch republicans have admitted that he ran the most well-organized and effective campaign that they've ever seen. Honestly, at this time last year, I thought that there was no way a black man would be elected president in the 2008 election. As I mentioned earlier, I feel that he was probably 20 years before his time. That, alone, is highly indicative of his ability to lead and unite people.
    Yes, I do. For one, I think he's far too intelligent to ignore his PDBs, unlike his predecessor. Also, there are other measures currently in place that help keep us safe, and Bush isn't taking those with him. Obviously, I feel that some (i.e. The Patriot Act) are frivolous and unnecessary, and I do hope that something is done about them because I stand firmly against the degradation of civil rights in the name of self-defense.
    The closing of Gitmo is not intended to curb terrorism, it is intended to put to rest concerns about habeus corpus and human rights violations. I should also add that John McCain had also vowed to close Gitmo.
    That is the main concern with closing Gitmo, but I've heard several options mentioned (such as Ft. Levenworth). However, I trust that a prudent decision will be made prior to the closure.
    I certainly hope so, and I have no reason to doubt that he'll keep his promise. Until he proves himself a liar, I've no good reason to doubt his word.
    For one, our military will not be overextended, and we will stop losing lives to a poorly-planned war with no clear objective or exit strategy. Secondly, we can shift our main focus back to Afghanistan. One thing about war is that you should never fight a war on two fronts. I think it's easy to see how it behooves the country to not do so.
    He's been in office for two days, man. He hasn't had time to create a track record! Oh, I know. You were eluding to the fact that he doesn't have any 'experience.' But Obama, much like Les Miles, appears to be surrounding himself with the best support staff that he possibly can. And I believe that he is wise enough to listen to those that he has trusted. Further, some of the ideas that he has put forth thus far give me faith that he at least has the right idea...i.e. investing in green technology, tax breaks for you and I, and re-examining regulations whose removal helped precipitate our current situation.
    Trillions of new spending balanced with trillions of spending cuts, if spent efficiently, can certainly re-stimulate the economy. It's happened that way before in our economy.
    First of all, I believe that basic healthcare is a right and not a privilege. However, that is a whole other discussion that I don't care to get into right now. But one thing that I do not care for in the least are these rebate checks. I like the other elements of his stimulus package, but I do not believe that sending out $500 checks to every Tom, Dick, and Harry is going to do much for the economy, and would only hurt our already colossal deficit.
    I don't think that anyone has made the claim that restoring the pre-Bush tax rates to the very wealthy is going to create jobs. However, it would allow him to reduce income taxes for the rest of us. How is that a bad thing?
    The messiah? You must have me confused with someone else, sir. All that I am doing are telling you the reasons why I think he'll be a good president. If you think I'm one of these idiots that's ready to canonize him, you are sadly mistaken.
    I do not believe that everything is going to be so much better. I do believe that improvement is inevitable because our new president is the basically the polar opposite of our last one, who had the uncanny tendency to foul up nearly everything he engaged in.

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