One fall my mother and I drove in to Baton Rouge from Atlanta to vist my grandparents. Their neighbor took a liking to me and asked me if I had ever been to a game in Tiger Stadium. I was only seven or eight and my family was from Memphis and I lived in Atlanta so I told him no. He decided that I just had to go with him that Saturday night. It was LSU vs Tulane and it was raining cats and dogs. I remember watching everyone stay in their seats and I finally asked the man who brought me why no one was getting out of the rain. He looked down at me and said something that I'll never forget. He said "son, it never rains in Tiger Stadium." We sat through the rain and watch the Tigers stomp the Wave. After that I was hooked.
My LSU Story...,I wanted to be in TigerBand since I first saw the March Down the Hill when I was a little kid. I remember being next to my dad and watching the band march by, thinking about how awesome they looked, and then all of a sudden I was screaming, crying, and in my dad's arms....Yeah, that was my first time hearing Pregame, I've played it a thousand times since then..
That only left two things lower than the Auburn fan. Whale poop and Tulane. Be thankful for what you have. There's always someone worse off than you. (almost) He had two things left!!!!
More likely I would curse the devil every night.:cry: :dis: :shock: o: :sob: :angry: :angryfire :bncry: :cuss:
Growing up in Tampa, my mother insisted that all of us kids go out of state to school, so we would see more of the world. She was also a committed Gator Hater. I had narrowed my choice to LSU (mom was a fan, and an older brother went there for a year before going to Navy), TOSU (I played tuba and had always wanted to "dot the i") and Auburn (two brothers had already gone there). TOSU was very cold to my application. AU had accepted me early, but with two brothers going there and one in the band, I wasn't sure I wanted to be there (I guess I was ready to not be the "younger brother", although I didn't think of it until someone else pointed it out). When the Tampa Bay LSU Alumni Club offered me a small scolarship, I accepted. Best decision I have ever made. I met my future wife on the band bus after the 85 GTHOM game and so far have lived happily ever after. GEAUX TIGERS
Would almost say "you got me." But then you have EARS Tuppyfield. Sorry. Can't rank lower than that. :grin: