I was born in Baton Rouge and half my family went to LSU and I think LSU is just an awesome college with an awesome athletic program.:thumb: :lsup:
Why LSU? I think some of these quotes do a good job, of proving we have the most unique environments and passionate fans in all of college football. Why would you want to go anywhere else?? "The toughest place to play college football" College Coaches Poll 1998 "Why you should go to Tiger Stadium: when the sun goes down on the bayou, there isn’t a louder college football venue in the country. It’s Mardi Gras every home game "The Edge Magazine 2004 "Best Pregame Party" ESPN 1995 "Most Dreaded Road Playing sight: Gannet News Service "Best College Game Atmosphere LSU vs Georgia at LSU" 2003 ESPN viewers Poll #1 ESPN's best College Atmosphere 1989 "In the First Half it topped out at 110 decibles that's louder than a rock concert. In the second half it topped out at 117 louder than a jet engine. " The Fort Worth Telegram Tiger Stadium: A 90,000 person excuse for a College Keg Party "The Tennessean" The difference between a day game and night game at Tiger Stadium. At night you can smell the Bourbon on the field. "Mike Archer" Fan Fanaticism has made Tiger Stadium one of the most mystical and greatest settings for College football St Petersburg Times Notable Quotes "I stood in Tiger Stadium and I thought, 'This is what the Colosseum in Rome must have been like.'" -- Ed Simonini, Texas A&M linebacker. "It was like the Colosseum in Rome and we were the Christians." -- The late Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech. "Unbelievable, crazy. That place makes Notre Dame seem like Romper Room." -- Brad Budde, USC lineman. "It makes a body tingle. These folks go berserk when the band marches on the field. A huge roar is heard for the invocation, for heaven's sake. They not only know the words to the national anthem, they sing them, loudly. And when the Tigers win the toss...there are tears of ecstasy." -- Douglas Looney, Sports Illustrated describing a Saturday night in Death Valley. "Baton Rouge happens to be the worst place in the world to be a visiting team." -- The Late Paul "Bear" Bryant, head coach of Kentucky, Texas A&M and Alabama. Quotes are from www.tigerstadium.com
when I was a kid one of the first songs I learned was "Hey Fightin' TIgers" from riding around with my older brother.....
my family moved to baton rouge from south carolina when i was 4, and my dad loves baseball, so he started taking me to games when i was really young. and then i just kinda ended up there in college.
I grew up in BR and saw Mike when I was 5 and attended my 1st LSU football game at 7. The hook was set. No other team matters. EVER.
Moved to BR when I was 6 from Arkansas. Was a hog fan. I became a tiger fan pretty quick but still luved the hogs. That is until the basketball regional finals in the Dome when the Tigers beat the Hogs and Wichita St (I think) to advance to the final four. So I was a fan from there forward. However, coming out of high school I wanted out of BR. So I was going to lefire: to play baseball. Changed my mind 2 weeks before school started and went to a juco for 2 years. After leaving BR I realized how much I missed it and came back to LSU after my 2 year stint. Had great fun at LSU (see my gpa). Been here ever since and won't leave.
My dad was a 1949 graduate of the LSU school of forestry. Growing up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, we could get the New Orleans TV stations (this was before cable, kiddies) and he and I would always sit and watch the LSU highlight show on Sunday nights: black and white footage shot from one camera atop the LSU press box. He took me to a few games and I got to experience the campus. Coming out of high school in Alabama, I knew I wanted to major in history, and LSU had a great history school with some legendary professors. So that sewed it up for me. LSU it was, is and ever more shall be...
LSU was the biggest school that I could go to and still pay in-state tuition. I had been from north Louisiana and was not LSU-oriented, but I didn't want to join most of my classmates at some podunk country college like Tech or Northwestern. I wanted to go to a place that had big-time athletics and lots of curriculum choices and activities to choose from. A place where there were hippies, sorority girls, nerds, negroes, rugby hooligans, eggheads, coonasses, foreigners, and other interesting characters; not just the same old rednecks and cowboys I grew up with. A place where the Stones and Led Zeppelin came to have concerts instead of local dance bands. A place where the professors wrote the textbooks they were using. LSU proved to be such a place. I got an education here, got a job here, and never left.