Why Les Talked Smack about USC

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TC, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Do you really believe this? I mean, would LSU *not* have won the 2003 game by 24 points if Tubs had been quiet and humble earlier in the year?

    This "giving the other team bulletin board material" idea is way, way overhyped. Words don't win or lose football games.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Just to see how this was received by USC, I went to their message board on Rivals to see if it was being discussed. Discussion is an understatement, as I lost count of the threads at 25! All of them completely slamming the SEC, LSU, and our fans. I understand a certain mount of angst amongst their fan base but it seemed a bit excessive, and the perpetual name calling when the comments from the few LSU fans there were completely acceptable, was a bit surprising. I guess Miles really got under their skins.
  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    You must not believe in pre-game speeches, motivational vids, etc. There's an art to the psychology of coaching and believe me, words do win AND lose football games when they affect output. :thumb:
  4. Hawker45

    Hawker45 Founding Member

    Well, I'm surprised.... I thought all USC fans went surfing on Sundays, then to "acting school" on Mondays.
  5. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. Threedub

    Threedub Freshman

    It had been really hot in LA, perhaps it was just fans without AC.

    What I think is the most bothersome with what Miles is quoted as saying, is his basic rundown of in-conference USC opponents. If he was bashing Out-of-Conference opponents for this year it wouldn't have been as big a deal, but to bash the teams that USC plays every year is questioning their one recent national championship and their run of dominance. It's like inferring that someone got a job just because they were of a legally protected class. It may or may not be true, but if you worked your butt off to get to a certain level it's going to p*** you off regardless.

    I'm just pleased to see him not have Oregon, Oregon State, or Washington State on his list of "juggernauts"; whether it be out of respect, complete disrespect, or general lack of knowledge I choose to take it in the best light I can :grin:
  7. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Maybe it is just the boredom of the dead season of college sports driving the interest.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    That's because most of the posters there are prolly 10 years shy of being 25. The acne set that rules many of the cf boards are not necessarily the grand poobahs of tact. The same thing can be found in reverse on several of the SEC boards. Ever read any of OverratedSC's posts? He's the poster actually discussed in Mandel's article which is a shame. I know he's not representative of an entire fan base but he's become the poster child anyway.

    The SC forum I belong to is usually innundated (year around) with trolls and flamers from all around the country. Name calling and smack are de rigeur. You want surprising? Try being called a ***** on your home forum for discussing the situation.
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  9. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    LOL, all I am saying is it certainly was a humbling experience for Tuberville after pre hyping his team as the preseason NC in '03. He had all the fans crown Auburn before the start of the season and then Bam...Thumped by SC out the gate. Then bam...Thumped by LSU and then whoops...loss to Ole Miss and end up 5-3 in SEC and 3rd in the West. Sugar was sweet. :grin:

    I could give a $hit about the bulletin board material. Just think it's better to perform first and run your mouth when you complete the job.
  10. Hawker45

    Hawker45 Founding Member

    Miles comments remind me of when Forest Evashevski (also a Michigan alum) came to Iowa in 1952. He told the administration he may be making some comments that would raise eyebrows... and that he did.
    He wanted his games to be wars, he taunted the opposing team thru the media... almost every game for the next two years involved on-field brawls. In one game against Illinois, the fighting was so bad that six players (both sides) were ejected and four players were sent to the hospital. The fighting in that game caused the Iowa/Illinois series to be suspended for 15 years.
    His teams were called "the bullies of the Big Ten".... but he won.

    I would suggest this isn't about Les' mouth, it's about his team. He's a tough guy who is trying to instill his traits and attitude into his men.
    He's making way too much money and is way too experienced to just be doing this stuff "off-the-cuff".

    I like it.
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