Why Jesus wouldn't vote for Obama

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Sourdoughman, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Oh I think it did happen. There is also testimony from another nurse as well. Could they both be nuts?
  2. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    So out of the 50-100 Doctors and nurses that worked that unit, only these two saw anything like that. And it's just a coincidence that these two are pro-life activists?

    Sorry bub, I work in a hospital. There is no loyalty to the Doctors or the hospital. Nurses are fly-by-night. If something illegal was happening, the rest of the people on the unit would know as well. And they said the babies were dying in a "soiled utility room". That's where they put dirty laundry. Do you think the Mexicans cleaning the units wouldn't see it?Why didn't they call the cops? Why didn't they report this to their nurse supervisors? Oh yeah, probably a big cover up from people who have no pity for dying babies, which I'm sure most nurses in neonatal units are. Do you see the silliness of the claim yet?

    I read the testimony. It is completely laughable (and ridiculously stupid) to anyone with any knowledge of how hospitals work.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    All you have done is make accusations while providing no evidence.
    Oh Yeah, can you also provide evidence that Obama did or didn't sign or prevent a bill from passing in case a baby survives abortion.
    You work at a hospital so you are saying that babies never have survived abortions?
    You have no way of knowing for sure if this kind of thing happens or it doesn't so how can you say it never happens?
    I'll take your point that maybe in this case it never happened but we have no way of knowing for sure.
    There are plenty of investigations that turn up nothing but that doesn't mean that it doesn't or didn't happen.

    Btw: I wouldn't doubt that most people at a hospital would deny when bad things happen.
    There's many bad things that happen that never sees the light of day, or do you deny that also?

    The point is Obama didn't sign a bill 3 times that would've protected a baby that survived an abortion.
    Liberal courts made abortion legal not the American people, we have to live with the consequences of their actions.
    That includes these little secrets we rarely if ever hear about.
  4. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    If babies are left to die in an area where almost every member of the IT, Housekeeping, Sales, Food Services, Nursing, Temps, and Tech staff has access to, then no, you cannot cover that up. Also, the doctors usually doing these procedures are not staff doctors; they have rights to use the hospital, but no reason to cover up it's mistakes.

    Add that to the fact that this woman clearly has an agenda, and never reported it to the authorities or supervisors, and only came out with this when a critical vote was being considered, and was never substantiated by a sympathetic AG all equals a steaming pile of BS.

    But you see what you want to see despite the massive leaps of logic that you have to use, I guess.
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Same to ya.
    It seems like its more of a leap of faith to believe that this kind of stuff never happens or never has happened.
  6. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    The part about justifying Obama's vote is irrelevant to what I was arguing, by the way. I don't know why Obama voted like he did, and I don't care. I just don't like people using BS stories as a basis for a political "scandal".

    Obama can kiss my hairy white ass for all I care.
  7. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Did I say that?


    Did I say that the woman's story was impossible BS in this case?


    You are trying to strawman me. I never said that this stuff has never happened. I'm saying that these women are lying. You wouldn't put something you are trying to hide in a soiled utility room.

    This lady also never quit her job, despite these horrors she saw. She was fired for never shutting up about her moral objections to abortion. Why didn't she quit when she saw this? A nurse can easily work anywhere she wants. Does this really not register as BS to you? Honestly?
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    You just avoided it all together.
    You certainly didn't admit that this could've happened in this case or any other hospital in the country.
    I don't think you have been totally honest here, no.
    You have said a lot but i haven't seen any proof.
    These women testified in front of a congressional panel so its hard for me to believe that they haven't been indicted for perjury if none of this ever happened.
    It seems like you've done a pretty good job of this yourself by dodging questions.
    The point is that once again, testimony has been given that this did happen.
    I do believe that this stuff could happen everyday.
    I also know for a fact that Obama didn't sign and avoided these bills like the plaque.
    Where is your proof?
    You keep saying this stuff but no evidence to prove it.
    Once again they testified about this kind of stuff and they haven't been indicted for perjury or anything related to the case?
    That doesn't make sense either.
    I don't know for sure although I admitt that it wouldn't be smart to try and cover something up in a laundry room but I've seen dumber stuff than that
    in my lifetime.

    None of this makes any sense, really, including your claims but I've old enough to have seen weird stuff, that doesn't make sense which is actually true!:)
  9. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I'm coming from the opposite position here...
    What happens to aborted babies that survive?
    I don't care if these women were telling the truth or not.
    You still have said an awful lot but haven't proven anything.
    The bottomline is this kind of stuff happens in hospitals all the time.
    There is no one to protect the innocent babies among us.

    Its irrelevant to me whether all of this is accurate or not but what is important is the way Obama votes or doesn't vote at all.

    Its not all political to me, not at all.
    Obama's votes speak for themself, no way of spinning that!
    There's plenty of political ammunition to go after Obama besides this but it seems like he has plenty of explaining to do.
  10. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    We aren't talking about pork. We're talking about serious issues related to abortion that Obama opposed. You keep trying to make it seem that Obama should have simply voted to save the lives of babies that survived abortion, but the wording of the bill wasn't that simple according to those who have read it. You are condoning voting against things one fundamentally disagrees with because it happens to take care of a current issue, despite the future issues it may cause. It isn't as simple as you are trying to make it.

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