What else can the states do? They have thrown money at it and it hasn't helped. They have bused, re-zoned, driven whites out of the system, tried charter schools, lowered academic standards, everything they can think of. Now they are giving them vouchers to go to private schools and it still isn't helping. I don't think this is a racism issue. I'm not suggesting that racism doesn't exist or play a part. But at some point the black community has to step up like Massa's grandfather and take charge of themselves and their children. Racism comes in about 6th on the issues causing poverty in the black community. The bigger issues are school dropouts, crime, teenage pregnancy, absentee fathers, and uninvolved parents. Too many black folk are doing very, very well for me to accept that racism or inequality are holding them all back. I'm willing to do what must be done to address lingering racism. But it is up to the black community to address the issues I just listed. Nobody can do this for them. I do not suggest that these problems are limited to the black community, either. I have hillbilly white cousins that are guilty of all of the above issues and they are paying the same price, they just aren't clustered in urban ghettos. Perhaps mobility is a solution. People have to be willing to move out of the ghetto and chase those jobs wherever they exist. Get away from whatever issues are holding them back and move up. Get educated and get to work. Paychecks cure many problems.
Too bad with states like Arkansas which is 85% white, or TN with 77% white the states are still poor and backwards as balls. Let's face reality. The south is full of idiots, both black AND white. You think birthers, trailer trash and religious nuts are black? Even the black people up north are better educated and more intelligent than black people down south. It is racial but it is still very regional.
Who are the leaders of the "white community", man? Black people are as diverse as any ethnic group. They are liberal, conservative, moderate, concerned or indifferent, rich, middle-class and poor. Their leaders are our leaders. The people they elect . . . fellow named Barry and couple of hundred other major Washington players.
There is a clear difference between the white community and the black community with regards to social well being, culture and to this topic of education and money. You can say those things, but you know its not accurate. They aren't diverse when 90% vote 1 way and are among the lowest in some of the rankings mentioned in this thread. If they don't have leaders, then that seems to be a problem right there. Also, Barry isn't taking to the streets trying to solve any of their problems. Sure, he's thrown some money, but I haven't seen him stand up for fatherless homes, black on black crimes and the poverty/education. Well, he stood up for Treyvon........
Already done. Read it carefully. What do you want, a list of black republicans? A list of rich black people? It ain't hard to find.