Why is it this way.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by formerfan, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I think that it was lack of evolution that created LSU as the flagship along with Louisiana politics from the Huey Long era. Huey set it up this way because... well... he could! Other states did not have the crooked politics that interfered with the natural evolution of having more than one major school in there state. Add to that the other Major school was turning out to be Tulane that happens to be more gear toward educating Yankees (Oops, I forgot that you didn't want us to use the "you suck" reason :) ).

    If left alone, Louisiana may have had more than one dominate public university. But that is not what happened.

    Now, onto a different question... why don't we change that? Why should we??? I mean come on! Those that are in power wish to remain in power or they would not be in power. That is called life. I mean, look at the benefits we enjoy! Mucho TV exposure. A recruiting heaven. We are not lacking in competitive teams to play. All the power and glory! Why should we give it up? Because we "should" have an instate rival??? Uh... no.

    Any and I mean ANY major state school that has another instate major state school (such as CO and CSU) would LOVE to see the other school crushed and beaten down into oblivion (read that ULL status). It's about power.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Most states that are Louisiana's size have 2-to-5 four-year universities and a dozen or more junior colleges. Louisiana has SIXTEEN four-year colleges and just a few JC's. LSU is the only program in the state that pays its own way in athletics. Most of the other fifteen colleges are subsidized by taxpayers dollars that are spread very thinly. LSU is in another league from these schools

    LSU is the only Louisiana team in a major Div I conference. ULM, La. Tech, and ULL are likely going back to Div IAA soon bcause they can't compete.

    Tulane was once a big football school and LSU's in-state rival but after 25 straight wins the luster was gone. You can't have a rivalry with a school that you beat every time you play them. They considered moving to Div III this year or even dropping football! Some rival.

    It's unlikely that Tech or ULL or ULM will ever develop into a Division I contender or generate enough cash to cover costs, much less compete with the major schools. If one of these schools does develop into something, then LSU will be forced to consider them a rival. But LSU will not go looking for a rival among the small schools. It just doesn't work that way.
  3. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I have one more word for all of you--facilities. None of the other state schools have the athletic facilities to compete with LSU's.

    In Texas, North Texas has more students than Texas Tech or Texas A & M, yet their athletic facilities aren't even as impressive as Highland Park High School of Dallas. Therefore, they can't get the upper-tier players who visit Texas or A & M, and they can't get better.

    How can any of the other Louisiana schools compete with LSU when a recruit has spent a Saturday night in Tiger Stadium?
  4. formerfan

    formerfan Freshman

    Oct 16, 2003
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    I understand you can't force this into being because the way it is now. and you are right about LSU having everything they want so why change anything.
    I don't know about other schools wanting the other to flop. The Miami-Florida St game is what it is because both are good. I think that both schools enjoy playing so much because they are both good. It is nice to dominate your rival, but when that happens too much it becomes a one sided rival. For instance if Texas doesn't do something soon, the game will be a much bigger game for Texas than Oklahoma. Will the rivalry that LSU has with Alabama still be as intense if Alabama has no more than 4 wins for the next 10 years? During Hallman and Dinardo, didn't that game mean more to Tigers than the Tide? Both teams being good is one very important part of a good rivalry, and granted Louisiana schools are not at the top so no instant classic can occur. The answer about the political history tells me alot, I am too young to know all that. I have heard it referenced somewhere before now that I think about it.
    but back to the story, I am not dilusional enough to think that Tech is a premier program and we deserve a game with LSU in Ruston, but I have alot of respect for Tech doing so much with what little they have to work with. I am not one to hang my hat on one game forever, but they did beat your conference champion one year. When was the last time a BCS conference champion lost to a non-BCS team. And no one can deny ( some might) that Tech has been one of the scariest "easy wins" on the big boys schedules since '96. Why has that label helped S. Miss or Marshall garner such respect and Tech seems to not have any.
    I don't want this to sound like sour grapes, I am just interested in the opinions of others.
  5. formerfan

    formerfan Freshman

    Oct 16, 2003
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    That is a good point Stacy. These schools need to spend money to make money, and most have not done it to a great degree.
  6. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Wwowow....When I read the initial question I didn't think it was going to take so much explanation to point out the answer.....I don't understand how you can not see why there is no major instate rivalry here......
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Tech beat Alabama twice in the last five years. That certainly got a lot of peoples attention.

    But still, it's hard to understand why Tech would want to play in Division I and take losing seasons like Vandy does, when they could be a major contender in Div IAA against schools their own size.
  8. formerfan

    formerfan Freshman

    Oct 16, 2003
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    i just want others opinion. It interest me to hear the voice of the masses, not just a few. I guess I am trying to present it at different angles to see the the range of responses. A discussion is what I am looking for not just a response.
    I basically know the opinions of many others in the state, but this matter is close to my heart and hearing what others have to say peeks my interest.
    I am not closing my ears to what I am reading ( or eyes), most are valid educated responses and that is what I want to read. I am a public educator and I am just presenting the question and trying to recieve as many opinions as I can just as I would in my class room.
    So don't take my constant responses as " I don't get it", it is justy trying to stimulate conversation. If this bores anyone, then don't reply and go on to the discussion about Lou Holtz.
    I wish that Louisiana would be what it could. To be honest I am just a college football fan more than a huge allegiance to one team. I wish ULL.ULM,Tulane and Tech could reach some higher level of accomplishment.
    I am a high school football coach in Texas, and I was the same in Louisiana for a few years. The talent level in Louisiana is right up there with the best there is. Why can't it stay home. I know there is only one place for a top level guy to go to right now, I guess I am trying to imagine my perfect world.
  9. Ectopic Tiger

    Ectopic Tiger Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    1. Look at LSU's last three recruiting classes and come back and try to tell me that the state's top talent leaves. I know it happened in the past, but that's over now.

    2. Louisiana has the most talent per capita. But because the population isn't very big, we do not have as much talent in the state as California, Texas, or Florida. These states can have multiple teams that compete for the NC, though they rarely do (except for FL in the 90s). Mississippi has comperable talent per capita and has two SEC teams. When was the last time either has won a NC, or even an SEC championship?
  10. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Even a blind hog finds an acorn. Yes Tech has beaten the likes of Alabama. If they were able to maintain success over the years it could be a good rivalry. Mid-majors need to take a look at programs like Marshall and try and emulate them.

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