Guys, we don't know why he wasn't there. I tell you what: in a number of respects, Bob Stoops and Nick Saban are more alike than you might care to admit. They both are energetic, great recruiters, excellent Xs and Os guys, excellent defensive-minded coaches and hyper-competitive and intense. Stoops shows some of that cockiness publicly (a bad habit he got from Spurrier, no doubt), Saban keeps it under wraps but both men possess it in spades, I'd bet.
I agree 100%. He doesn't want to show his face because Kansas State beat the crapt out of his team. Lata, Crackle
Stoop's not showing up struck me also as a disrespect to Saban. I can't wait till we spank them in public and they show his face over and over. THis guy they put on TV was a Co Coordinator
Seriously though what are people in OK saying about him not being on the show. If he was still mad about the game he should not force an employee to do want he is unwilling to do himself. If it was a family issue or a health issue I would understand.
I hear Stoops was having remove that boot from his ass that K State stuck there last night....
dallastigers, the people in oklahoma aren't saying anything about it. hell if that'a all we had to worry about, we would be in good shape.
I was surprised that he missed the BCS show. I don't know why, but I suspect that he had a good reason for being elsewhere. I've admired Stoops. He is a good coach and recruiter. As far as any personal aspersions that anyone would want to cast at him for missing the show today, remember this: he's one hell of an improvement over Barry Switzer. The Sooners now win with class and with a minimum of thugs like the ones that populated Norman in the 80s. Stoops has won and still ben able to make the University and the state look respectable unlike the old days when the head coach could care less about anything that his players were involved with off the field.