I dont think anyone has ever had a full ride on a baseball scholly @ LSU. If Big Ben didnt, then no one has. Im still pissed at Ben for giving up the Slam.....
You know I'm not one to 2nd guess coaches, but I was mighty hot at the big freshman being in there in that situation. Knowing Bertman, though, he probably figured he didn't quite have the team to win it all yet so he was giving Big Ben some valuable experience. That slam was one of the lowest points in my LSU fandom.
I was @ Ft Leonard Wood, Misery for BT and never saw that game nor do I want to. I read about it in a letter a week after from a g/f at the time trying hard to explain it to me in baseball terms. Slam is all needed to read. then i tore it up. the perfume smell was nice, thats about it.
I'm pretty sure all schools can give 11.7 schollies each, no kidding. So very few get a full ride if any at all. Now, as you all heard in that vote in the sEC last week some states can offer money to all students who qualify academically via TOPS in Louisiana and the Hope Schollarship in Georgia, etc. So what they do is give the Louisiana players money for things that the Tops program doesn't pay for, like food, books, etc. One of my sons teammates in in high school got a schollie from UGA last year. He gets part from the Hope program and part from his athletic schollarship and I think he had to pay a few hundred dollars last year. He was redshirted last season and I believe next year everything will be pretty much covered. That is why the colleges in Miss. and Bama were fussing.
Ft. Leonard Wood :dis: :dis: :dis: Been there done that, I missed an entire football season in that place. :geaux: :lsug: