el stupendo fanatico, i will buy your contention that gymnasts are awesome athletes. but cross country skiers? these guys are pure endurance and training. they may have the biggest lungs and best heart health, but they dont need to hve alot of hand/eye coordination. my guess for best pure athletes is the basketball guys and the football skill positions for agility, and pitchers and best baseball hitter for hand/eye coordination and maybe gymnasts for all around general ability. i dont think one sport has the best athletes. i think many people could dominate many sports, they just happen to have chosen one and they dominate that. for instance i thik randy moss could have played in the NBA if he had gone that route, and big baby would have been a dominant destroyer on a football line. i have read that the skiier hermann meier can beat everyone in everything. obviously bo jackson is amazing. my dad used to watch him play at alex box many years ago and declared him to be the most powerful and dominant athlete he had ever seen. for lsu, i would guess pistol pete had skills that almost nobody could match. maybe not in leaping, but certainly in body control. plus i would smoke any female gymnast in a sprint.
I hope she can, I drink almost every other night. I watch sportscenter and get loaded. She better be able to beat me in a 100 Meter Race, but I don't think she could. If u wanna get a date coordinated, let me know and I'll show you what a former college RB can run in a 100 meter!, hahah
He doesn't have to be All-American in 2 sports just dominant at 1 & he's already an AA in track. Coach Shaver said this year that Xavier is the best athlete he's ever coached. When you break a sprint record 3 times in your 1st 3 meets as a freshman in a program that is rich in track history you are already special. It's a given that he will be in LSU's HOF, even if he left after this year. He's ranked #1 in the 200m & 400m right now in college & has the fastest 400m time in the world. He's dominating his sport like Pete, Shaq, & the others did at LSU.
Of course they can, have you seen him catch a football consistently? All I've seen him do so far is run fast. I'm not saying he won't be good.
See I would say gymnasts are the best all around athletes for alot of the reasons you mention. Pound for pound they are the strongest, and that is not even debateable. No one slow can get over a vaulting horse. They also have to have superior hand eye coordination and agility. I may be being a bit facetious with my comment about a women's gymnast in a race, but those broads are quick.
LSU Gymnasts are awesome. I love April Burkholder. Does anyone know what happened to Rikki L'Heroux? She was a cutie.