Who wins this game is irrelevant as long as LSU holds serve the last two weeks. The best thing about this game is that either Bama or Auburn will be eliminated from the west race. But if I have to make a oick, I have to go with Bama. I could NEVER force myself to side with Auburn. NEVER!!!!!!!:helmet:
Hey man where you been hiding. I was wondering if you were lost. Don't tell me after I pulled so hard for LSU last week you are gonna root for the pachyderms.:dis:
Concerning the SEC West, this is the sad truth. Unless LSU gets stupid, they should win the SEC. This game only helps in recruiting and, if Bama wins, adds another SEC team to a top bowl game.
Except for Beowulf, this is the best poem that I ever read, ramah, thank you. PS There are a few limericks that I like better than your poem, but a limerick is not the same as a poem.