Who do you think will win the Iron Bowl? Auburn or Bama?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TSdude, Nov 15, 2005.


Who do you think will win the Iron Bowl? Auburn or Bama?

Poll closed Nov 21, 2005.
  1. Auburn

    58 vote(s)
  2. Bama

    12 vote(s)
  1. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    auburnt by 2 scores...
  2. CajinTigah

    CajinTigah Founding Member

    The hates gonna be flying! But, the Barners bring to much for the Bammers.
  3. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    I might disagree with you there ..... although BC has been oft injured, he demonstrated sufficient mobility in the UF game to warrant concern by any defense. Even in the Southern Miss game, it was Brodie's legs that bailed them out of a humiliating defeat.

    dhead, just when I think you're gaining some wisdom, you allow your jealousy of Auburn to leak out again. I know your deep secret .... you're really a closet AU-lover.

    :hihi: Hmmmm .... mebbe it's not fair to judge someone who has never been part of one of the most storied rivalries in all of football. :yelwink2:
  4. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    how is that our fault?

  5. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    Auburn. I think I'ld like to watch the crowd interact on TV rather than the game.[​IMG]
  6. BamaBengalTiger

    BamaBengalTiger Geaux Tigers !!!!!

    Barners will take this one with ease. Playing at home. Coming off a big win on the road. Better offense, and just about as good of a defence.
  7. Lsuphotoguy

    Lsuphotoguy Founding Member

    As much as I don't want to say it IMO Auburn wins.
  8. deathvalley92K

    deathvalley92K Freshman

    I think Auburn also. I think they are the 2nd best team behind LSU right now. I was more worried watching the Auburn game than when we played Bama. After our d started playing, I never felt like Bama could really threaten, but with Auburn you never knew when they could score with the night Irons had. IMO the Auburn d is a little behind Bama but both are good. I think Auburn wins by 7.
  9. Auburn, I think the difference maker will be Kenny Irons.
  10. BamaBengalTiger

    BamaBengalTiger Geaux Tigers !!!!!

    Probably, but if he can run it like he did against us, they do have some big play receivers that could light it up against Bama.

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