No, you want to return to the past. That's the problem. You fail to perceive that the only alternative to Obama is the republicans, who have been far worse. Damn, the poor guys won't be able to buy that condo in Monaco until next year. As unnecessary as it is, our Debt is less than 10% of one years Gross Domestic Product in this country. It's been a lot higher than that before. If you could pay all of your debt with 10% of one years paycheck, you would not be bankrupt . . . not even close. Neither is America. I don't care for the huge debt and I advocate pay-as-we-go because Billions of interest payments each year is a colossal waste. That's part of your astonishing myopia. Your fears and our facts are two very different things, amigo.
this is the same justification i use when i steal. sometimes when i think about it, i imagine that when i steal, it means those rich fat cats will have less money to buy things and hire gardeners and butlers, and those folks need jobs, but i dont care, me wanty.
whether he believes it is not relevant. you either agree that big crazy spending is bad, or you dont. if sabanfan would have approved of it if republicans did it is not of any consequence.