Uninformed does not imply ignorance. I just think, as Salty said, that you have bought into the Obama mantra. Bush is gone. McCain is no more like Bush than Obama is.
This applies to both sides - including those that call Obama a socialist and don't even bother looking into his policies with an open mind.
You're not going to get far with me with that "open mind" crap. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, then guess what...chances are it's a freaking duck.
Clearly he's not a socialist by title. But if you break down his associations, his stated positions on the size, scope and role of government, and read carefully what he plans to do with the economy... As Salty says, he's a duck. I'll give him this - he's somewhere to the right of Chavez, Castro and Marx.
In one sense, you are correct. ChOsen appeared to take my comment as an insult to himself. My point was that I did not think he was an ignorant person, only that he was ill informed about the actual similarities between Bush and McCain. My objectives: 1. Take as many votes away from Obama as possible. This is a good start.:wink: