Who are YOU Voting for?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Ch0sn0ne, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    this is a reason to give universal care. it will decrease the amount of expensive and inefficient emergency care
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    A doctor told me that once and was wrong.

    It is disappointing to see so many conservatives backing the Republican party, especially those that say both choices suck. To those who dislike both, vote third party and send a real message.

    Of course, telling conservatives to vote Democratic makes even less sense, I suppose, and I guess many of you feel that you have to vote Republican so the Democrat doesn't get in office, but the Bush administration should have let you all know that the Republican party has seriously deviated from conservative ideals. McCain might be a little different, but I guarantee the advisers for McCain will be similar to the advisers for Bush and this country will be taken in the same direction, a direction not so different from the way Democrats will take us. I implore those of you who can't stand either to consider a third party that truly espouses conservative views.

    I'm voting Obama because of my foreign policy concerns, but I can understand why many don't want him, especially those who think McCain is right on foreign policy. Consider a third party.

    Republicans have become Democrats who pretend not to be and who can't beat Democrats at their own game. At least Democrats will execute their policies in the way a democratic policy should be executed. Republicans will execute democratic policies, but only half-heartedly. Republicans suck at being Democrats.
  3. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    an example i know of personally is a girl with crohns disease. she has coverage through her fathers policy. when she turns 18 she will have no coverage because they will drop her and no other company will cover her.

    so the father has to either---watch is daughter suffer greatly, sell everything and go into debt, or move to another country. he's seriously considering the latter---which i sadly have to admit sounds like the best option.
  4. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    "Dr. Nemeroff served from 2003 until this past summer as the primary investigator on a collaborative grant between Emory, Glaxo and the National Institute of Mental Health, a federal agency. The research effort, called the Emory-GSK-NIMH Collaborative Mood Disorders Initiative, had a $3.95 billion budget from the government, and examined five Glaxo drugs considered for use as possible antidepressants.

    From 2000 through 2006, Dr. Nemeroff received just over $960,000 from Glaxo, but reported to Emory that he received no more than $35,000, the letter said."

    for all of you that seem to only blame illegal immigrants for expensive health care, consider the above.

    4 bil to study drugs that Glaxo will make $ off of. i doubt the taxpayers will share in the profits.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Where have have "the liberal triplets" laid out this policy . . . or is it just your paranoid fears again?

    Hey, if rich guys "grease the wheels of the economy" why don't they grease us out of this crisis? Could it be that they greased us into it? They are entirely too greasy for my tastes.

    Then they should move to foreign countries if they don't like it here. You'll have to go with them to shine their boots. Why do the rich hate America?

    The trickle-down thoery of economics is completely discredited. It has never worked as advertised. Instead the gap between the rich and the middle class grows. These guys aren't Lords, why do you worship them? They are just just Schmucks like us who have a lot of money and they use it to influence the government to give them more and more tax breaks and other advantages. They want to get it all for themselves, right now. What do they care if the rest of us suffer in a Recession? They have the cash to weather it.

    You keep seeing this as a contest between the Rich, who you worship, and the Poor, who you despise. Well my friend, this is a contest between the Rich and YOU. These "borrow and spend" Repblicans don't help you at all. The country has gone deep into debt because of it and that will result in inflation down the road which will eat our retirement savings alive. We can't pay down the debt by borrowing more and taxing ourselves less.

    Is it not obvious to you? There are very few Rich and there are very few Poor. The existing parties cater to these small extremes and the vast majority of hard-working americans in the middle class get under-represented because there are only ideological conservative right-wing and left-wing parties and not a pragmatic moderate party between them.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    There are hospitals in Mexico for Mexicans. All they have to do is return home. Texas should set up medical transport centers for illegal imigrants. Put them on a bus and send them to the border where they can receive whatever benefits their country offers.

    I'm totally against any illegal foreigner receiving a US citizen's benefit.
  7. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    of course its their call. The government cannot force them to write the policy. If some guy walks in with terminal cancer, chances are, he ain't getting a policy. But if someone comes in with, like you say diabetes, where he's not "ill" but has to have regular check-ups and insulin shots. Sign him up. Due to his history, he'll pay more than the next guy, but at least he's now got coverage.

    And because of this, the rates for healthy americans will level out (nothing ever drops in price, so don't get y'alls hopes up). Because now, the insurance companies are taking in a lil more money, the hospitals and doctors are actually getting paid by the customers/insurance companies, and our taxes aren't paying for some third rate clinic offering free shot to anybody and everybody.
  8. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Sending them back is not a practical solution. We enjoyed their cheap labor, having them do our yards and build our houses (is that why houses are so cheap in Houston?), and we did nothing on the border to stop them from coming in. Does anyone think we're gonna deport 15 million mexicans? Not me.

    American citizens in mexican retirement communities set up for americans go there for cheap housing, good climate, and cheap health care and take advantage of the mexican system. When they get older, they move to cheap, clean and friendly assisted living homes, and finally to nursing homes. I've read articles with interviews from the americans, and they have no intention of returning to the US. In many cases, they simply can't afford to live decently here. Many are retired auto workers from Michigan, and they can't afford to be retired up there. You may die a couple of years early if you get something serious in Mex. and their health care doesn't cover it, but you can live well while you are healthy. I hope I don't have to, but I'd certainly consider it. A friend of mine with money retired, and he went down to check it out; decided it was not for him. He moved to Colorado.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, I'm actually talking from Hillary's plan here, because its what I'm familiar with, not sure about the details of Obama's. But I suspect any democratic plan will have significant Hillary input.

    She was adamant that indigents pay something, even if only a token payment, in return for this basic insurance. It would be a seed for these people to get into the real economy. With a job, she can buy better coverage and with a good job, she can pay her own way like everybody else. Like Bill Clinton's welfare reform in the 90's, it used a carrot and a stick approach to break poor people out of the handout mode that they had been raised in to a system where they receive rewards for making efforts to suceed. It has worked in welfare, where there are less people on the dole, they stay on it for less time, and they have to find work to qualify for assistance. It's getting them off of it allowing them to see the rewards that come from work and responsibility.

    Illegal aliens have no rights and deserve no US health insurance. They must return to Mexico if they want government assistance from their own government. If they want to work in America, then apply for it, get a green card, follow the labor laws and regulations, pay taxes and purchase insurance like the rest of us. If he loses his job and becomes indigent, then he must return to Mexico.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Dem talking points for the last 2 years.

    Did you ever learn that one shouldn't answer a question with a question?

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