Interesting response! Maybe you care to explain? It seems to me that all Obama had to do was present his birth certificate and all of this would go away. That would be the logical thing to do. It seems like he would've also done this out of respect to country and the constitution also.
That's bull, we're not going to end up socialists. Besides, you have no one but "conservative" republicans to blame. Tax cutting, overspending, de-regulating "conservative" republicans ran this country into a ditch and had no ideas other than continue the same. Obama hasn't done one thing he didn't say he was going to do if he got elected.
I swear to God....some of you people remind me of the folks on that HBO movie: "Right America: Feeling Wronged". I really don't see the difference sometimes.
Yes, Obama is exactly like Hitler. I mean, except for the part about being a genocidal maniac, hell-bent on the idea of world domination and a master race. But I guess fools don't let small details like that get in the way of their stupidity. Whenever I see someone sporting one of those 'Hitler gave great speeches, too' pictures, I thank the person for saving me the effort of ever taking them seriously.
You are delusional. Obama's not overspending? He's a liar, for sure. He says there are no earmarks in his spending bill when, in fact, there are 9000 of them. He's making business owners (the economy's lifeblood) foot the bill.. Sorry, but I'll be shocked if something other than the rapid decline of Wall Street is stimulated.
Never take SabanFan seriously, even when he's serious. I can't believe so many Republicans are being so disrespectful of the Commander in Chief. I think its funny when Republicans complain about the track to socialism we're on. Republicans have shoveled and are still shoveling coal to drive that train. Democrats can't do it on their own.
Why? This isn't even close to the treatment Bush received for EIGHT years and still receives even though he's out of office. Why are Democrats ALWAYS so hypocritical about everything? Are they really that blind that they don't see it, or are some too ignorant to realize it, or are they like Obama...too arrogant to admit it? Definition of bi-partisanship to a Democrat in power: Do everything I say...exactly as I demand. Definition of bi-partisanship to a Democrat not in power: Do everything I say...exactly as I demand. I hope America succeeds. I could care less if Obama or the Democrats succeed. I wish they would focus all their efforts on helping the country instead of wasting time and money on their liberal agenda.
Sorry, I was just trying to throw something in the old man's grill. A little sarcasm without warning is dangerous on message boards.