White helmets White helmets? A dumb idea for both LSU and the Crimson Tide. Please, can we stop this torture now? Somebody with power might actually notice these suggestions and inflict this on us.
I think it would be fun to see the Gold jerseys and White helmets in the UGA game. But thats it. I would rather see the normal uniforms with the White helmet maybe one other time during the year.
Re: Re: White helmets I know that! I didn't mean to suggest that you suggested white helmets. Sorry for the miscommunication. My fault, because I posted the wrong quote (yours). I've deleted that quote. Do you like the Crimson Tide in white helmets?
Re: Re: Re: White helmets You know I'm old school Jean Crimson with numbers on the sides. and no white helmets for LSU. I like it when a team can take the field and you know who they are without having to guess. LSU home uniforms are classic.
the white helmets look pretty darn good. I understad that things have been the way they have been for a long time, but some color changes would be solid for the program. However, I am not saying that the traditiional uniform is anything but striking
Re: White helmets Actually, I meant to vote for gold helmets and pushed the wrong button. I agree with Jean. The white helmets are not for us.