White Helmets and Gold Jerseys

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by j0nathanr0y, Jun 26, 2003.


Favorite LSU Uniform

  1. White/Purple Jerseys w/ Gold Helmet

    42 vote(s)
  2. White/Purple Jerseys w/ White Helmet

    3 vote(s)
  3. Gold Jerseys w/ Gold helmet

    1 vote(s)
  4. Gold Jerseys w/ White Helmet

    5 vote(s)
  1. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    White helmets

    White helmets?

    A dumb idea for both LSU and the Crimson Tide.

    Please, can we stop this torture now? Somebody with power might actually notice these suggestions and inflict this on us.
  2. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    I think it would be fun to see the Gold jerseys and White helmets in the UGA game. But thats it. I would rather see the normal uniforms with the White helmet maybe one other time during the year.
  3. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Re: White helmets

    Jean, I said white jerseys not helmets. ;)
  4. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Re: Re: White helmets

    I know that!

    I didn't mean to suggest that you suggested white helmets.

    Sorry for the miscommunication. My fault, because I posted the wrong quote (yours). I've deleted that quote.

    Do you like the Crimson Tide in white helmets?
  5. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Re: Re: Re: White helmets

    You know I'm old school Jean :D Crimson with numbers on the sides. ;) and no white helmets for LSU.

    I like it when a team can take the field and you know who they are without having to guess. LSU home uniforms are classic.
  6. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    I went to that game. I loved them but I wouldn't wear them again...lol
  7. occstud

    occstud Freshman

    the white helmets look pretty darn good. I understad that things have been the way they have been for a long time, but some color changes would be solid for the program. However, I am not saying that the traditiional uniform is anything but striking
  8. I am neutral on the jerseys but I'm definitely a white helmet fan. I thought it looked pretty smooth
  9. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    I wish we would where the purple jersey more.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Re: White helmets

    Actually, I meant to vote for gold helmets and pushed the wrong button. I agree with Jean. The white helmets are not for us.

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