For those who won’t click. “The other point, and you need to be really careful if you really are interested in the news, is the whistleblower actually is a material witness completely separate from being a whistleblower because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was receiving $50,000 per month. So the investigation into the corruption of Hunter Biden involves this whistleblower because he was there at the time. “
The entire thing is a setup, a sham and a desperate attempt to keep the dirty, and I mean filthy dealings of 44 under wraps
Why is the so called whistleblower even relevant any more? People under oath have testified to the long term effort to trade political mud for weps. Additionally, some of those were on the call.
Whistleblower statutes protect the whistleblower from being fired, not from us finding out who he is.
He was never relevant, the left's entire house of cards came crumbling down when Trump released the transcript. See they put this together thinking he would never do that. He is playing Chess and they are playing like chutes and ladders and they keep landing on chute. They have NOTHING because Trump did nothing wrong
Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said "Nancy Pelosi has agreed to give Trump a fair and impartial firing squad". Gotta love Kennedy