OH NO! https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/dnc-ukraine-collusion-sytnyk https://www.glennbeck.com/glenn-beck/all-the-evidence-for-ukraine-the-scandal-explained
Just what exactly constitutes “fit for office”. I hear people bat this crap around all the time. Seems to me fit for office means: - if you are a Democrat, do what you want and lie your ass off ... we got ya covered. - if your are a Republican, then it means you are not to fight back against allegations made against you by your opponents, but rather are expected to be stoic, silent and pretend that the MSM is not attacking you and degrading you to to the public. Yep ... I’d say Trump is not fit for office.
https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/steve-hilton-reporting-trump-ukraine-impeachment-saga Steve Hilton post quotes from Volker that seem to exonerate Trump on all charges. So ... what do you guys think of the QUOTES of Volker ... ie, I don’t give a damn about your opinion of foxnews
According to reports, the weeny blower was a campaign staffer on a Democrat’s campaign .... tells ya bout all ya need to know.